Feathers and more feathers!

Tiny Tot is spending the night on the perch at the Achieva Osprey Nest. The weather forecast is for some rain but it is not showing thunderstorms in St Petersburg tonight. If you missed it, Jack brought in a fish for Tiny at 5:35:24. So he had something before bed. I am unaware of any late delivery. It is always just nice to see you, Tiny Tot. Each day is precious.

I was going to write something about migration treaties but gosh, Scottish Wildlife posted an information sheet on feathers using NC0 on the Loch of the Lowes nest and her two chicks as examples. It is much more interesting and there is so much information and lovely images. So enjoy, please! My apologies but the link posted everything on the first pages of their site.

Thank you for checking in. And thanks to Achieva Osprey for their streaming cam where the image of Tiny was grabbed and to the Scottish Wildlife Trust for this fantastic document. As we know, feathers are very important. Aran, the male at the Glaslyn Nest had two of his primaries injured and he could not fish or feed his family. His three chicks died. Good news today is that he is healing and has caught his first trout! All because of his feathers coming in.

I really recommend this article. You will learn so much. So enjoy!

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