Diamond is home!

Yesterday, Diamond, the female Peregrine Falcon at Orange, flew out of the scrape box at 7:44:33. Xavier was watching for Diamond from the ledge as well as looking out for Yarruga. Xavier was such a sweetie. He fed Yarruga three times, getting better with each meal.

After eight hours and Diamond had not returned, worry was setting in.

I am overjoyed to tell you that Diamond returned at 17:21 after being away for almost ten hours. What a relief! One of her wings is drooping and she might have been involved in ‘something’ but hopefully, she will be back to herself when she wakes up today, 1 November, in Australia.

Diamond stared at the two eggs but she did not incubate them. She slept upright on her stones in the corner.

Yarruga was so happy to see Mum. Sadly, you can see that right wing drooping in the image below.

Send all your positive wishes to Diamond for a quick recovery.

If you love Peregrine Falcons, Xavier and Diamond are a great family to watch. I do adore the Melbourne ‘Four’ but, I want to add that because this falcon family is in this scrape box and there are two cameras, you can always see what is happening.

Please check them out. Here is the link to the streaming cam:

This is just such a relief. I knew you would want to know!

Thank you for joining me. Take care everyone. See you again soon!

Thank you to Charles Sturt University Falcon Cam at Orange and Cilla Kinross for their streaming cam where I took my screen captures.


  1. Linda Kontol says:

    Thank Goodness! And thank you Mary Ann for letting us know! I know
    Ittle Yurruga and Xavier are glad to see her too!
    Prayers answered !
    Have a great and Blessed Sunday!

    1. Yes, they were answered. Diamond was involved with something. I am so relieved she was not more injured. Let us hope that her wing is feeling better today. Xavier is terrific but it is so difficult for one parent to pull off raising these babies unless they are just about to fledge and then, as we know from Silvie and Klints, that doesn’t always work out either. So bravo! Relief.

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