3rd Hatch making good progress for Thunder and Akecheta!

12 March 2022

Akecheta looks down proudly at his two babies as the third is almost hatched at the West End Bald Eagle nest on Catalina Island.

Thunder and Akecheta may not have had any fledglings for 2020 and 2021 but, they will make up for it this year. The third egg has almost completely split the egg as I write this!

They are both going to be so busy. If you want to join in the fun, I will post the link to their streaming camera at the end.

Here are some captures at the West End nest today. Cheta looks like he is trying to figure a way to feed the chicks while brooding!!!

Isn’t that the cutest little fluff ball?

The two siblings together looking out as the youngest is trying hard to get that shell off!

Or is Cheta trying to feed himself and the babies!!!!!!! He sure loves being there when the little ones hatch. He assisted chick 2 by removing half of the shell. What a dad.


It is hot at the nest today. Cheta and chick 1 are panting.

Our gorgeous dad – hot but happy – waiting for his third baby ever to hatch!

It’s 12:11 and Thunder has come to the nest making the cutest little chirping sounds wanting a turn. I wonder if she knows how Cheta tried to feed them?!

It is not going to be long until the third chick is fully hatched. The crack around the middle of the egg looks like it might be complete.

Here is the link:

Awwww. It is so hot up on top of that rock on Catalina Island!

Thank you so much for joining me. It is eggciting and it will be fun to watch these two, Thunder and Akecheta, as they manage all those babies!!!!!

Thank you to the West End Eagles for their streaming cam where I took my screen captures.


  1. Linda Kontol says:

    Thanks Mary Ann! What a beautiful day there and all looks well at thunder and Ach nest. Looking forward to seeing little number three!
    Have a good afternoon and take care!

    1. Hi Linda, You are very, very welcome. The third one should be finished hatching anytime. The chat thought 3 or 4 but I think he had to rest. It was so hot on that nest today. I hope it is OK. Looking forward to seeing it in the morning. Have a good evening, Linda.

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