First egg of the 2022 season for Port Lincoln!

8 August 2022

I hit ‘send’ and the blog went out. It was one of the first days that I did not check on the little sea eagles, the falcons, or Mum and Dad at the Port Lincoln Osprey barge. Serves me right! Thanks ‘A-M’ for sending me that time stamp! I am over the moon. The official time is 03:17 on the 9th of August in Southern Australia.

I just love this Dad. He is there with Mum giving her support! He also takes very good care of his fledglings – I wonder if he will tell Ervie today if they go out fishing together?

Incubation period for Eastern Ospreys is 34-42 days, normally. Mark your calendars. Hatch watch will begin on the 12th of September.

Here is the link to the Port Lincoln Osprey streaming cam:

Port Lincoln also has a very informative FB page with lots of images of the Ospreys. You do not have to join anything to see the latest news.

Thank you for joining me for this quick announcement and thank you to Port Lincoln Ospreys for their streaming cam. We will be looking forward to eggs 2 and 3.


  1. Linda Kontol says:

    Thank you Mary Ann ! Congratulations to them ❤️❤️🐣

    1. You are very welcome. They are doing great. Dad has been incubating, too. And so it begins…

  2. Nancy says:

    Sometimes I get a chuckle out your writings. Like this: “I wonder if he’ll tell Ervie if they go out fishing together”. I had good a laugh at that one. Thanks for the amusement.
    p.s. So sorry about the latest ospreys that have been lost, there have been too many this year.

    1. Oh, I am glad you enjoyed that, Nancy! It has been such a delight seeing Ervie sit in the shed with Dad and then to see the photos of them fishing together. Let us hope that the season is better in Australia.

  3. B says:

    oh, right — Dad will tell Ervie, but who is going to tell Falky and Bazza? We don’t even know where they are!

    1. I can just see Dad and Ervie pondering this…I cannot believe that no one has seen Falky since that first sighting? I had hoped they would have a contest in South Australia – to promote interest and to get people for looking for the two of them!!!!!!! I wonder if Calypso is going to have chicks this year????

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