Can you help Lucy and Kenny save their two remaining chicks?

22 May 2024

In 2023, one chick died of siblicide at Lake Murray and the other two were taken by the GHO. The owners of the property tried music and mannequins and that did not work. The evening they did not put out lights, the GHO came.

They were informed by me – and probably others – of the success at Cowlitz of the metal grates. Simple fish grates installed on opposite sides of the osprey platform have prevented predation at Cowlitz PUD. They will happily explain how to do this to anyone to protect their osprey nests. Simple, quick, economical solution.

It is too late this year. They should have installed these last year. To keep the GHO from killing the remaining two osplets at Lake Murray we need lights. Big lights shining on the nest. They will not bother Lucy but they will keep that GHO away.

Sign in to Fill the inbox. Demand lights be put up to protect the remaining babies of Kenny and Lucy. They have worked too hard this year to lose their family.

Thank you.


  1. Geemeff says:

    This is what I sent Lake Murray via their contact form
    ( )

    I have followed this nest for a while, and I’m devastated by the loss of gallant, brave, Little to a GHO. This event was foretold – must we now wait and watch the other two being taken? There is such a simple solution – install fish grates. You could do it in the off-season, ready for next year. You know the GHO will be back, it’s had success here year on year. I’m a nest cam monitor for Woodland Trust in Scotland for the Loch Arkaig Ospreys, and although Woodland Trust have a hands-off policy, even they have installed Pine Marten baffles. As they say, they understand the Pine Martens need to eat, but they can have all the other trees in the forest, just not these two where the Ospreys nest.

    Please – please reconsider, and install some simple safety measures to prevent tragedy for this Osprey family yet again. Here’s the link to the sad and totally forecast and preventable demise of Little:

    Thank you


    1. Thank you so much. They have stated that will put up strobe lights and music. Red strobes are known to work if placed correctly. I live in hope.

    2. Salliane says:

      Contact Ed murray…he used to be in charge of a nest at lake Murray

      Ed has a Facebook page
      There is also another person…jim

      1. Thank you. I had talked to the woman who owns the property many times after the GHO took the chicks last year. They sure need to do something. I hope the strobes work! I will find him. TY.

  2. Linda Kontol says:

    Hello Mrs Mary Ann
    It comes up but I can’t find the place to write it. They need the lights very quick indeed!
    Thanks for this update.

    1. They have their own chat and website with the camera running live.

  3. Gill Scanlon says:

    You left me compelled to contact Lake Murray. Let’s hope they take action.

    1. Thank you Gill. That is so appreciated. They said they are putting out strobe lights and music. I hope that the lights are positioned so they work but let’s press for economical fish grates attached to the sides!

  4. Jan Harmony says:

    done ! Aren’t there great minds out there who can come up with a solution that benefits the owls & the Ospreys / eagles etc..We know that the SWFL Eagles & owl nests are a few feet away from each other…I don’t know if that’s the same for the Lake Murray Ospreys… But something should be done for all nests that have owl attacks, and yet have it safe for the owls as well..

    1. Precisely. Lake Murray will try the strobe lights. I hope they work but we do know the economical fish grates at Cowlitz PUD did the job – everyone that has an owl problem should install them. Please help by spreading the word.

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