Oh, Bazza Baby

The Port Lincoln Lads seem to always be up to something. This morning Falky was flying about and Bazza and Ervie were on the nest. They had to have been full because there was a lovely fish tail on the nest and neither one of them were paying any attention to it.

It was very windy and Bazza entertained Ervie for about half an hour trying to land and stay on the perch. Have a look.

Are you finding that sometimes you could just use a little bit of ‘cute’ as we wait for new bobble heads in the raptor families to be born? What about a Korora?

They used to be called Little Blue Penguins. They are the smallest of the New Zealand penguins. This little one will weigh about 1 kg and be about 25 cm tall when it is fully grown. Their population is in decline due to dog, cat, stoat, and ferret kills. This group of predators has arisen because of the destruction of the penguin’s natural nesting sites for development. Sad.

And I want to give a shout out to ‘TAS’ for introducing me to this cute little non-raptor!

WBSE 27 has been observed being hounded by the Pied Currawong. This report comes from Cathy Cook on the ground:

As is usual in the Reserve, SE27 found herself being escorted & swooped by Noisy Miners, Magpies, Currawongs and Ravens, from the time she hopped out of the carrier. We saw her take 4 seperate flights, with her finally being observed (by credible people in the wharf cafe) to cross over the Parramatta River, just a little west of River Roost. The last picture shows SE27’s individual flights within the first 40 minutes after her release — at Newington Nature Reserve, Sydney Olympic Park.

Cathy posted pictures and a short video. I hope she does not mind my including one for you.

@ Cathy Cook

The saddest part about being a juvenile Sea Eagle is that for the rest of his life, 27 will be hounded by the smaller birds who, as you already know, are very effective in driving the juveniles out of the forest. I hope that Lady and Dad return to the River Roost on the Parramatta River to find 27 so they can feed her.

For all of you celebrating Thanksgiving with your friends, families and/or other loved ones in the USA, have a wonderful day. For those in Canada who celebrated in October, tomorrow is just another day. Take care. Always be thankful. See you soon.

Thank you to the Port Lincoln Osprey Project for its streaming cam where I video captured Bazza and to the Sea Eagles FB Page and Cathy Cook for the update on WBSE 27.


  1. Linda Kontol says:

    Thanks Mary Ann for the updates and photos! I am so saddened tolerance of these other birds attacking 27 when he first got back. I do hope Mom and Dad find him and feed him. I will continue to pray for 27 and hope 28 is ok our there too!🙏
    The PLO’s are doing very well a d I’m so Thankful for that!🙏
    Thank you for the THanksgiving wishes. It makes me so hungry to think about it already!
    Have a great evening!

    1. Hi Linda. You are so very, very welcome. Oh, those little birds. I so wish they would leave the sea eaglets alone. The WBSE don’t go around and bother them and, as far as I know, rarely eat their chicks – only if there is no other food around. Yes, many prayers for both of them. They are beautiful healthy birds. As I told another reader, I wish we could see the juveniles being fed by the parents down at the river. That would bring much reassurance. The Osprey boys seem to be doing so much better. They are real characters. Of course, my soft spot is Ervie. I don’t blame him getting mad at Bazza just like Tiny Tot Tumbles got mad and rushed at the older siblings twice. Enjoy your dinner tomorrow. We all have a lot to be thankful for. Take care, Linda.

  2. It saddens me too that 27 is already being harassed by the carrawongs.

    Thanks again for all the updates, Mary Ann. I’m not on Facebook so hard to find news about these beloved bird families. I do read some of the chat on various nests, which is informative. (Unfortunately the Sea Eagles site doesn’t have chat so I’ve been in the dark.)

    1. I get so frustrated by seeing those little birds pester the juveniles – to death, sometimes. They are like a big gang of bullies. The WBSE do not eat them or as far as I know their chicks – unless other food was unavailable. I have seen a falcon eat fish in Alaska. When you are hungry you eat what is there. I am glad the updates are helpful to you. I would not be on FB at all if it were not for checking on the updates, Twitter, etc. especially when things are happening. There is a chat feature, Betty, on one of the Sea Eagle cameras. I used to go on to find out what was happening but now I stick with Cam4 and check their FB page and also my contacts there. The people are nice but the chat is consumed by personal discussions and little of the birds – just so you know – in case you want to check on it.

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