Late Wednesday in Bird World

30 March 2022

I definitely needed a diversion today – away from the problem of monofilament line – and, in this instance, the line on the foot of Little Middle at Dale Hollow. Little Middle is only one. How many birds ranging from the largest eagles to the smallest duck – wind up in rehabilitation or dead because of fishing line! Every day there are reports of how deadly that thin fishing line is. It is horrible. Of course, the other elephants in the closet are lead in hunting and fishing equipment. Indeed, the biggest cause of fatalities in Bald Eagles could be from lead, according to most of the wildlife rehabbers that post on FB. Lead can be replaced with stainless steel or copper. Rodenticide is another. Soccer nets are another – ones left out over night. Mesh fruit bags. Imagine trying to remove the tiniest leg of a songbird caught in one of those openings in the bag? I suspect that every person reading this knows all of that. I suspect that many of you use your scissors to cut those plastic tabs on bread bags in half so that a bird doesn’t get one over its bill. There are so many, many things we can do to help them.

The three eaglets at the Pittsburgh-Hayes Bald Eagle nest are corkers. My dad used that term to mean ‘getting into mischief’. One is already out of the nest bowl, another is beaking its sibling, and everyone of them has way too much energy — and they are decidedly full of cuteness.

Cute moments at the National Arboretum Nest of Mr President and Lotus. How do you measure cute? These little fur balls at PH and here are so adorable.

If you haven’t watched this nest, you might want to give it a try. This is the first chick in four years for Mr President. One of my readers observed Mr President wanting Lotus to show him the new baby. She wasn’t budging. This is what ‘L’ wrote, “Last night, when DC9 had just hatched and Lotus was barely giving anyone a peak, Mr. P showed up on the nest. It must have been around 2am. He wanted so much to see the chick, but Lotus wasn’t moving, so hilariously he started aerating the nest right next to her, I mean literally next to her and moving all around her as close as he could get. She kept trying to tuck and then was awakened by his persistence of trying to get her to move. Eventually he gave up but I laughed and even shed a tear because this wonderful eagle, who hasn’t had a Little on his nest in 4 seasons, so wanted to see his chick. Warms my heart. Love Mr. P.” ——- How sweet! If the number and size of fish on that nest are any indication of how Mr President intends to stock the pantry from now until fledge, this little one is going to need help getting lift off!!!!!! It is a precious little one. This is the nest that had the intervention when the eaglet’s foot got stuck. I don’t think we have to worry about not being able to get help if needed!

Gosh, there is something wonderful about the colour green. On the Canadian prairies we look for the snow to melt, the trees in the distance to get that hint of green, and the Crocuses to push up from under the snow. The other marker for the return of spring are the Canadian Geese…but it is the colour green. The nest of Liberty and Guardian in Redding, California is just bursting with the most beautiful green leaves! Gorgeous.

Harry and Nancy at the MN-DNR nest might some of that California sunshine. Their two little ones are doing great and Harry is proving himself, once again, to be a fabulous hunter. There is so much prey piled up at the end of the nest this couple could easily feed 3 or 4 – although I would not wish that on them!

Nancy is working really hard to keep the nestlings warm and dry. The weather has been miserable there – rain and snow and then more.

Eagles do not mind the cold but it is not good for little hatchlings.


Look at the little one above and then look at the trio at the West End nest of Thunder and Akecheta. Blink. Those wee ones above will be as big as those at WE.

Each of the nests above are doing fabulous! What a wonderful relief. Just look at the three at the West End. The triplets at Pittsburgh Hayes will grow big and strong like these!

One last giggle. Everyone thought that Mother Goose on the old unused Decorah Eagle nest was finished laying eggs with the 4th. No! She laid her 5th today.

Father Goose is up there helping protect the nest. Gosh, golly. I sure wish Daisy the Duck who laid her eggs on the White-Bellied Sea Eagle nest had a mate that incubated and stood guard! We might have seen some little Pacific Black ducks – this is a nice change for an unused nest and for each of us. A bit of fun.

Like all of the raptors you can sometimes tell when the egg is coming. The female will puff up and her tail will go up and down as she pushes the egg out. The egg will be wet and soft and will need to be allowed to air dry before the female covers it.

It is night and Little Middle is asleep on the nest. He has eaten really well today. Someone might even want to ask what is wrong with Big? Hopefully it is just their ages and all of that is passed. Keep sending good wishes. There could well be no intervention so let us hope that the piece of monofilament line comes loose and gets buried in the nest never to harm anyone again.

Thank you for joining me and for all of your notes. Take care!

Thank you to the following for their streaming cams where I took my screen captures: Pix Cams, Redding Bald Eagles, NADC-AEF, West End Eagles, MN-DNR, and


  1. Linda Kontol says:

    Thanks Mary Ann for the updates.
    Prayers for little middle. 🙏
    Have a great evening

    1. Hi Linda, It is here! For some reason the system wanted me to approve it. It is so good of you to have written Al C. Thank you, Linda. I am also glad that this nest is away from the fires and I hope that all those in the Pigeon Valley area are safe. Take care!

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