Ervie brings a puffer to the barge!

12 April 2022

I would have missed it if ‘A’ from Japan had not sent a note to me. It is always exciting to see Ervie on the barge and to know that he is well. His talon will take a long time to grow in. In the meantime, he is still finding plenty of Puffer fish it seems. It is so nice to see you, Ervie.

You can still catch him by rewinding the camera feed. Go to 17:38.

Here are some images of that visit. The camera appears to be fixed so it is hard to get a good look at that talon. Ervie looks good though!

Poof. He’s gone at 17:59:03. Oh, what a lovely boy and what a treat it is when you visit the barge!

Thank you to the Port Lincoln Osprey Project for leaving their streaming cam on so that we can catch glimpses of this fantastic third hatch of 2022.


  1. Linda Kontol says:

    What a great surprise this morning! Thank you Mary Ann! It’s so wonderful to see Ervie on the nest with his puffer fish! Lol. ❤️

    1. It is! We are all wondering if he is only able to catch puffers because of that missing talon….it is certainly good to see him regardless!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Akane says:

    Glad I got to see it! Pufferfish have hard teeth and can chew shells. It is almost as if Talon was bitten by a blowfish.
    Thank you for sharing your Dyson story. It is fun to imagine from your story.
    I pray that the storm will not be terrible.

    1. I did not know that, Akane. Thank you! I wonder if they did bite off Ervie’s toe. It seems like a real possibility. Dyson is so sweet. He is getting all furry again. The weather has turned cold as the storm approaches. Thank you, Akane, for telling me about Ervie. It was so nice to see him on the nest.

      1. Akane says:

        Thank you for contacting us. Great to see you again today Ervie 😊.

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