Llyn Clywedog fledgling survives Goshawk attack

14 August 2022

There was a goshawk attack on the Llyn Clywedog nest at dusk – 20:38:40 on 13 August – that knocked the fledgling off the nest. Here are two videos, one in regular time and the other in slow-motion.

In my earlier blog today I lost much information including rare images of three fledglings together on a nest in Wales. It confirms that the fledgling that was knocked off the nest at Llyn Clywedog is fine!

Thanks to CarnyxWild for their streaming cam where I took my video clips and screen captures.


  1. Linda Kontol says:

    Thank you Mary Ann! So thankful this osplet is ok!🙏❤️ They go after them when the get large so they can feed all their chicks I read. Thankful it didn’t succeed .
    Have a Blessed Sunday!

  2. LindaKontol says:

    Mary Ann I just watched it 2 times and the goshawk looks like the same young goshawk that got the other osplet recently. Are their nests near each other?

    1. Hi Linda, The Poole Harbour nest is on the very southern coast of England. Llyn Clywedog is in Wales. Not close. Probably the same age of bird. This goshawk has been troubling this nest since the beginning. It often chases Dylan. Thankfully the fledgling is alright!

      1. Linda Kontol says:

        Yes I’m so thankful the fledgling is ok too Mary Ann.
        Do goshawks eat fish? I need to read and see. They seem to only want to disturb other nests chicks. So sad 😞
        I’ll be glad when all the osplets
        fledge and eat on the trees with mom and /or dad instead of the nests 🙏❤️

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