Is Harriet is home? or is this the female intruder hanging around?

11 February 2022

I am reflagging this because it is not clear what is happening at the SWFlorida Nest. I thought it was Harriet that had returned with M15 on the branch but it appears it was M15 in the nest feeding and a female intruder on the branch above.

I am sorry if I gave everyone a joy and now a fright.

M15 flew in with a rabbit.

Female intruder above M15.

My apologies for jumping the gun in my enthusiasm.

Thank you to SWFlorida for their streaming cam where I took these images.


  1. Ann-Marie says:

    Oh my goodness!! Is it really Harriet then?
    Miracles do happen indeed. Thank you for this Mary.

    1. No…it looks like it is M15 in the nest and the female intruder on the branch. Sadly. I posted a correction.

      1. Ann-Marie says:

        Yes it is very confusing, my apologies for alerting you it was Harriet.

      2. No problem. I looked at the nest, saw the streaks in the hair and ‘saw Harriet’ with M15 on the branch when it was, in fact, the intruder. It is easy to make these mistakes. Everyone does this. No apologies needed. It brought a lot of angst out of the woodwork for sure…my skin is tough. I can take it.

  2. Mario says:

    I’ve been watching this nest since a couple weeks before Ozzie disappeared and I’m confident I can identify Harriet in an eagle lineup. That was not Harriet. It’s not this first time this particular eagle has landed in the nest tree. This is likely the eagle that injured or killed Harriet. She has her eyes on M15 and the nest. I don’t think she will harm the eaglets but M15 does not know that. And the problem is her presence will keep M15 from hunting. She will hang around. When the eaglets are older M15 will start tolerating her presence and probably accept her as his next mate.

    1. You are right. It was not Harriet it was M15 with the little streaks in his hair. I made a mistake and sent out a retraction within a few minutes. Sadly, female eagle intruders have harmed the eaglets on nest. One famous case is that of the nest of Romeo and Juliet where Juliet was injured/died. Romeo tried to keep the nest going and then the female intruder killed the eaglet…Romeo left the nest. His son Samson took over the following year. It was NEFlorida. yes, this one would like M15. I don’t blame her.

  3. I can’t stop crying..After last night something / someone constantly spooking M, to him flying away for 3 hours, leaving the kids unprotected, being angry, watching him not knowing what to do, heavy breathing the Power of Prayer answered.TY God for protecting her enough for her get/ feel better??, to finally have her strength to get home to her family..AMEN..can’t stop crying

    1. Dear Jan Marie,
      It was an error and I did within a couple of minutes post a retraction. There was a lot of confusion going on at the nest – . It is not Harriet and I apologise to all for creating what I thought was something real and it wasn’t happening.

    2. Oh, JanMarie. It was a mistake with the confusion of the camera and the placement of the eagles. Several of us saw this as Harriet and M15 but it turned out to be M15 and the new intruder. I am sorry for causing confusion and also for any anxiety. We all wish for a miracle. My sincere apologies.

    1. Mary Cheadle says:

      I’ve just seen your correction Mary Ann, sorry for my previous comment ❤️

      1. No apologies needed. It was very confusing and I am sorry to have gotten everyone’s hopes up, Mary. I saw the streaks on the head of the eagle feeding but when I saw the young eagle on the branch – well, my mind translated this to Harriet and M15 not M15 feeding (I do know his head and Harriet’s) and the intruder…I hope not to have caused any undue stress to anyone. Sad it wasn’t her.

  4. InstructorRita says:

    Why don’t you watch the nest yourself, and make your own blog, instead of reposting things you see in online sources? There is nothing wrong with the ‘speculation’ made (by a doctorate of writing), and then the “retraction” made—a true and sincere apology posted, which seems unacceptable to you. Do your own legwork, and stop relying on others to provide your info for posts you make. If you thought the information was incorrect challenge it then, AFTER the apology is made, a comment as you make is rude and unnecessary. I remain.

    1. Dear Rita, I am not sure who that person is but they are gone. I made a mistake based on information that had come to my attention. I saw the streaks on the head of the eagle feeding the eaglets and the younger thinner eagle on the branch – assumed Harriet and M15 – never thought that an intruder female would be so bold to get into a nest. == Now thank you for your strong defence. I am sorry it happened and sorry it upset people. We all wish Harriet were here.

      1. InstructorRita says:

        No worries, they were probably deleted; I couldn’t believe the number of posts, may be 3, tearing you apart. You do a lot of work to make this WordPress happen, and it is greatly loved and appreciated by many long-time birders. Take care, go well.

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