Is Harriet is home? or is this the female intruder hanging around?

11 February 2022

I am reflagging this because it is not clear what is happening at the SWFlorida Nest. I thought it was Harriet that had returned with M15 on the branch but it appears it was M15 in the nest feeding and a female intruder on the branch above.

I am sorry if I gave everyone a joy and now a fright.

M15 flew in with a rabbit.

Female intruder above M15.

My apologies for jumping the gun in my enthusiasm.

Thank you to SWFlorida for their streaming cam where I took these images.

E20 has arrived and a dustup between Ervie and Falky

Thank you for all your well wishes. One thing our City is reasonably good at is getting the main roads cleared from snow! We got home in time for a great visit with our daughter and to watch E20 join the world. It is always special when a little one comes into the world. The Pritchett Family says it was 17:54:44.

This is a short clip of E20 pushing on that shell.

I hope E19 is as proud and happy tomorrow when E20 is dry and rearing to go, too.

Oh, adorable!

Let us all hope that both of these beautiful little eaglets, E19 and E20, remain healthy, friendly, and grow into beautiful juveniles just like their big siblings from last season, E17 and 18.

For all my parrot lovers – of which I am one – ABC News is reporting that the once critically endangered Orange Bellied Parrot is increasing in population and has moved away from the brink of extinction.

“African Orange-bellied Parrot Poicephalus r. rufiventris” by nik.borrow is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Most Orange-Bellied Parrots live in Australia and Tasmania. They got their name from that bright orange patch on their belly! They are small birds who nest in Eucalyptus Trees. Their numbers have been threatened by habitat destruction, cats and foxes that hunt and kill them, collisions with buildings, cars, windows, etc. Australia has conducted a captive breeding programme that hopes to increase the numbers in the wild of these beautiful birds.

Oh, it is rough and tumble down at the Port Lincoln osprey Nest. Bazza appears to have received the first little fish but – then it happens that at one time all three were fighting and being kicked off the nest to try and get it.

Falky and Bazza.

A little later Ervie has joined them on the nest! It won’t be long til Falky and Ervie are catching most of their food. Let us hope that Bazza joins in. But for now, they are all just fine. Egos bruised at times but healthy juvenile ospreys. Puts a smile on your face.

Right before 08:39 Falky is on the perch and Ervie is on the nest. Falky flies down to the nest. Ervie has the sat pak and is to the right. Falky is to the left. Both think that a fish is coming in to the nest.

Ervie gets right mad at Falky and shoves him off the nest a few minutes later. There is no question ———– our little third hatch, Ervie, who won the sat pak because it turned out he was the biggest – is going to survive in the wild. It is awful to see them go after one another but it is necessary for their survival. And we all want each of them to survive. It was a real dustup!

Wow. A new eaglet. What a great day. It should be interesting watching E19’s reaction to having a sibling tomorrow. I wonder if it will be like Ervie and Falky today?

Thanks so much for joining me. Take care everyone!

Thank you to the following for their streaming cams where I took my video clips and screen captures: SWFlorida Bald Eagle Cam and D Pritchett and the Port Lincoln Osprey Project.