Royal Cam egg has pipped…Saturday in Bird World

20 January 2024

Good Morning Everyone,

There is some good news about pips and eggs in Bird World today. Sadly, there will be no further hatches at WRDC and none at Berry College. 

There are lots of visitors in the garden this morning. To my huge delight, three Crows were flying down to get peanuts when Dyson wasn’t in the way! Dyson’s kits were all here, along with Little Red and the two Blue Jays. I did not see a single European Starling. I wonder where they are.

Hugo Yugo seems to have grown overnight. Seriously. She is busy watching everyone in the garden from the table in the conservatory. She hasn’t moved for more than an hour.

Baby Hope wanted some quiet time. It didn’t last long.

Hugo Yugo is tired after all that play fighting. But, look, she fills up part o the top of the cat tree. She is growing!

A new all Black cat showed up at the feeder today. Its image has been posted in all the local missing cat FB pages in case it is lost. 

Earlier, ‘The Boyfriend’ had had his traditional Friday roast chicken dinner. Maybe the visitor got some leftovers.

Congratulations to Jolene and Boone at the ETSU nest in Tennessee on their first egg of the season on 18 Jan. This new Mum raised two eaglets to fledge last year.

The biggest news is that we have a pip in the egg of the Royal Albatross couple in NZ. 

Jackie spent some time at the nest she has with Shadow at Big Bear Lake on Friday. Gosh, she’s gorgeous.

C11 has a huge crop, stands, and does some wing exercises, while C10 stretches underneath the dry palm frond blanket. Everything is going well at Captiva.

New bedding material and more fish brought to the nest as the winds pick up in the area.

E23 has eaten, slept, and grown. This eaglet is changing so quickly. E23 has a Mohawk now. Pin feathers are coming in. Clown feet and today, many thought that E23 was going to start chewing on that possum tail. Just look at that fat little bottom. Privileged only eaglet. 

This little one really likes to sleep with its head propped on the rails! Thank goodness M15 and F23 are filling in the holes.

E23 is too big to fit under Mamma F23 anymore.

Ron and Rose certainly have that nest cup deep. You can just get a glimpse of R6 if it stretches its head way up high. What a little cutie. Looks like R6 is going to be an only eaglet – nothing wrong with that!

R6 is five days old today.

At the NE Florida Eagle nest, Gabby and Beau took turns incubating the egg.

Event Log for Gabby and Beau for Friday:

All that snow that fell across the US and Canada has meant the Eagles are working hard to get their nests in order. This is Beau and Bella at the NCTC nest on Friday doing just that.

Wow. There were five fish brought to Gil and Brad on the 20th – 3 from Mum and 2 from Dad. How lucky these two are! And we now see clearly that the help the fish fairies brought to ensure both survived was a huge success without any harm done to the actual fishing of the adults. Keep it up Port Lincoln!!!!!! 

Age (chicks): Giliath : 95 days, Bradley : 93 days
Fish count: Mum: 3, Dad: 2
Fish times: 09:00, 09:31, 15:19, 16:34, 16:49

Bradley was doing some hovering and flying in the late afternoon.

Video of SE31 at the Parramatta River. Just look at the size of SE31 whose is playing with garbage down at the River Roost.

‘A’ brings us the latest for January 20 at Sydney: Early, at 6am, both parents were at River Roost, with SE31 whining for food. At 6:40am, one of the parents caught a fish for her, in front of River Roost. She is so hard to see at times in the mangroves. Later, in the early afternoon, SE31 was out of sight, but Dad was seen taking off, circling over the wetlands, returning, then heading off again towards Wentworth Point. He returned at 2:23pm with a small fish – Lady was still there. By 2:40, our juvenile was eating on a low branch, Dad was in the air and Lady was still in the same place. The picture below is of Dad – with some feather gaps in his wings.

‘A’ sent in today’s antics with Marri at Orange! Oh, she’s loud. Xavier and Diamond must be delighted their daughter is alright and still home. (Parent at end of video is Diamond, not Xavier as amended by SKHideaways).

In St Petersburg, Jack is bringing Diane fish gifts as we begin to dream of eggs in a couple of weeks at the Achieva Osprey platform.

Red Listed Birds found shot and dumped in Cheshire. Despicable.

The BTO brings us a paper tracking the behaviour of 47 Short-eared Owls. t is a totally interesting study that found that one female raised two broods of chicks to fledge in two different countries in a single year!

Have you read it, The Raven? 

Thank you so much for being with me today. Please take care. See you soon!

Thank you to the following for their notes, posts, articles, videos, and streaming cams that helped me to write my blog today: ’A, J’, Trudi Kron, NZ DOC, Sharon Dunne, Lady Hawk, SK Hideaways, FOBBV, Window to Wildlife, SW Florida Eagle Cam, WRDC, NEFL-AEF, Deb Stecyk, PLO, WBSE 2024, Diana Lambertson, Raptor Persecution UK, BTO, and The Woodland Trust Scotland.