The Electrocution of Eagles- presentation and discussion with Christian Sasse

27 July 2022

YouTube drives me nuts. I also go crazy quickly when the time for a presentation has several different times. If you intend to participate in the discussion on The Electrocution of Eagles (or ask questions through the chat), then please go to YouTube. Find the title below for the talk and subscribe. Then YouTube will tell you when the event will occur in your time zone.

So..Eagles dying from Electrocution – What can be done? should go into the YouTube Search. When you see the image of Junior, you will know you are at the right event. Then subscribe. For me in DCT, the event is at 3pm or 1500.

It should be good. Christian will archive it later if you miss but I wanted to make sure that you figure out how to get there in your time zone. Take care everyone.