Friday Morning in Bird World, quick update

15 July 2022

There are a couple of important updates that I failed to put in my blog earlier this morning.

The first is that the oldest girl on the Dyfi Nest of Idris and Telyn fledged at 15:05 nest time in Wales. Congratulations Pedran!

The second is that the eldest osplet at the Foulshaw Moss nest fledged on the 13th of July. I missed it and don’t have an image.

Roy Dennis has released his report on the White-tail Eagle relocation project for this year. You can find it here:

Last, there is real concern for Molate, Richmond and Rosie’s youngest osplet. Brooks fledged but it appears that there are problems with Molate. Let us hope that Molate begins to thrive and fledges. Here is the announcement from Golden Gate Audubon:

Read the statement carefully. Should either of the osplets of Richmond and Rosie require help – “outside” of the nest – they will get in touch with their wildlife rehab partners.

Molate was fine at the time of banding and let us all hope that Brooks got the most food and Molate will catch up. I cannot rewind the camera and the image is not so good but Molate is the only one on the nest at present.

Take care everyone. Send your positive wishes to Molate. See you soon.

Thank you to the following for the posts and streaming cams where I took my screen captures: Dyfi Osprey Project, Roy Dennis Wildlife Foundation, and SF Ospreys and Golden Gate Audubon.