Is Tiny Tot gone forever?

Today might well turn out to be a sad day for everyone who grew to admire and love Tiny Tot, the third hatch of Jack and Diane at the Achieva Credit Union Osprey nest in St Petersburg, Florida.

The day began as it normally does with one exception – Tiny guarded the nest but there was no fish delivery.

Indeed, there was no fish delivery to our little Braveheart until 7:06:05 pm.

Tiny mantled the fish. There were no intruders or sibling #2 about. Jack took off immediately after Tiny had that fish in its talons.

Tiny ate the fish on the nest. The other day he had moved it up to the perch pole to eat but, tonight he decided to stay on the nest. After eating the fish, he flew up to the perch post. He appeared to be ‘antsy’ – it is the only possible word I could use to describe him. He scratched his legs, flapped and unflapped his wings and generally looked like someone on edge. He certainly wasn’t his usual relaxed self when there are no intruders around the nest.

Flapping and unflapping.

At 8:32:30, Tiny Tot flew off the perch.

This is the last shot I have of him. He is a blur.

Any other time, Tiny Tot would have returned to the nest for the night but tonight, he did not do that. This is the first night that he has not slept at the natal nest. It might not mean anything. He might have decided to roost in a nearby tree. There is always, however, the chance that he will not return to the nest tomorrow.

Stay posted. I will be checking on Tiny Tot throughout the day. I will also be checking on the pair of White-Bellied Sea Eagles whose nest is in an Ironbark Tree in the Sydney Olympic Park. They have finished their nestorations and people are hoping for an egg by the middle of the month! Wow. The Pittsburg Hayes eaglets are getting ready to fledge and the pair at The Landings continue to get more height. There is some concern about the bonking that has started on the Cowlitz Nest. Electra needs to fill those two up when she has fish on the nest, not let Wattsworth remove it. As well, the little one on the Foulshaw Moss nest in Cumbria is having some issues. All of that tomorrow.

Thank you for joining me. Stay safe and well.

Thanks to the Achieva Credit Union for their streaming cam. That is where I took my screen shots. Your camera has brought joy to so many this season!

1 Comment

  1. Salliane says:

    JUNE 8…3 flew back to the nest today. Later pestered by a mockingbird as she stood on the perch. Finally gave up and took off to the left of the screen.

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