Ervie Catches a Puffer Fish

Everyone has been waiting, holding their breath, for Ervie to catch a fish off the barge like Falky. That didn’t happen today but, Ervie did catch a puffer fish today and he brought it back to the nest on the Port Lincoln Osprey barge where he enjoyed every morsel.

Here is my video clip of Ervie, so proud, arriving with his catch of the day. You can watch him fly in from the top right. It is very quick, don’t blink!

Port Lincoln responded to the chatters request to zoom in the camera so everyone could see Ervie eating the puffer.

Ervie loves his fish and he had no difficulty opening (or bursting) the fish and eating it.

Does anyone remember when the lads were younger and a puffer fish was delivered to the nest? None of the three knew what to do with it then.

Despite many believing Ervie might not enjoy the Puffer, he really seemed to enjoy every morsel.

It is the first time that Ervie has brought a catch to the nest so this was a really big deal for his fans watching and chatting.

The feathers on Ervie’s head were still wet from getting the puffer but none of the feathers from the rest of his body, save for maybe his legs, appear wet.

Did he catch it standing in shallow water – like at the beach? So he just had to stick his head in the water and not do a full-fledged dive? I wonder. Maybe Port Lincoln can solve the mystery by looking at Ervie’s tracker!

Ervie has been flying on and off the barge today, becoming more of his old adventurous self.

Just look at how handsome Ervie is. My goodness.

Thank you for joining me. This was an exciting event for everyone watching. I hope you enjoyed it, too.

Thank you to the Port Lincoln Osprey Project’s streaming cam from where I took my screen captures and my video clip.


  1. Exciting news to view Ervie bringing in his own fish! Thanks for the video, Mary Ann.

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