Superbeaks are Super…Tuesday Morning in Bird World

31 January 2022

If my father was alive today, it would be his birthday. So grateful for his love of the animals and birds that frequented our garden as a child and all the things he taught me.

It is still cold in Manitoba. We are still in the extreme cold warning but…it is only -21 C. Because of the strong winds it will be nearly -40 if you count in the chill factor and they are asking people to stay inside if it is possible. Cars do not like to start in cold weather like this. Some people have ‘plugs’ that heat the oil. The maker of my car will not install those nor the automatic starters so that you can let your car run and get warm before you go and jump in. And many of us, myself included, do not have garages having opted for larger garden spaces. So…it is cold out there. We bundle up in coats that are mid-calf and rated to -40. Boots are lined as well and there are all new materials to help keep people warm that are light weight. We manage. In fact, I function much better in the colder temperatures, like the eagles, than in the extreme heat that I loved as a younger person.

Making News:

It looks like Glen Blue 708 got tired of travelling and has decided it is beach life in Morocco for him!

The names of 2022’s year old Kakapo are coming in.

There appears to be ‘some hope’ for Annie and Grinnell’s Sequoia and Sasha.

Most of us outside of the UK don’t understand the ‘power’ behind the shooting estates that allow their gamekeepers to stomp on Goshawk chicks or shoot the Hen Harriers. Here is a good read.

Checking on Our Nests:

The new guy is definitely not a Grinnell and hardly an Alden. Not sure….

It is quite the snowy day for Jackie and Shadow at Big Bear. On occasion you can hear one or more of those cantankerous Crows/Ravens that have been coming to the nest and trying to distract the adults so that they can get to those precious eggs.

It has been hot in Florida. All of the eaglets have been panting today. Poor Connick when it got out of Connie’s shade, the wee one was huffing and puffing keeping cool. It was mid-afternoon and the little one with its clown feet and soft thermal down was panting really hard.

At 15:37 Connie gets Connick up to have some fish to hydrate itself.

As the sun sets on the barrier islands of Florida, it is a good thing to remember that the eagles actually ‘do better’ physically in the colder weather than in the extreme heat.

Teeny weeny Boots at the Webster Texas Bald Eagle nest is getting some fish. Ringo always eats first and then little Boots.

Most everyone watches and many report on Harriet and M15 so I don’t always – unless there is a big change and there was last evening. E21 and E22 slept alone in the nest together after having a tandem feeding by Mum and Dad.

In Louisiana, it was drizzling again on Monday with a 45% chance of rain, again.

Anna keeps little E03 dry. It is rather hard to imagine but E03 fit into that size of egg only 23 days ago.

Anna has found a new way to keep her baby dry.

At the E3 nest of Alex and Andria, Valentine is walking and getting steadier by the day.

Then little siblings say, ‘Hey, I can do that walking thing, too!’

Pa Berry and Missy could not be more proud. B16 is doing so well – the cutie pie Rollie Mollie is getting to that sort of ‘lanky’ stage. Still adorable. There are at least 3 rabbits on that nest if not 4 today.

We all hope that everyone of these little eaglets grows up to be big and strong like Pearl and Tico. What a pair these two are. I love the way they look at one another.

Tico takes a bow in front of Pearl as he ends his wingersizing display.

As the sun goes down in Central Florida, Muhlady is making sure that both Pearl and Tico are full to the brim before bed. I wonder if the parents begin to sense how much longer they have with their babies????

As the sun sets in St Petersburg, there are no eggs yet at the Achieva Osprey nest of Jack and Diane.

No eggs at Captiva for Mabel and Angus. They have been working on the rails today and keeping alert as there appear to be intruders in the area.

I still see only two eggs at the Moorings Park Osprey Platform in Naples, Florida this evening and around 2100. Will there be three when we wake up tomorrow morning? Believe me, I hope not.

The award for the most romantic of the birds today goes to L and GLY, the Royal Albatrosses! Goodness. Ranger Sharyn says that we might expect more frequent turn overs as it becomes difficult for the adults to find enough food for them and the chick so they are in and out, in and out. That little one is like doubling its weigh. Did anyone say ‘big boy’? Of course, I thought Lillibet was a big boy, too. So don’t trust me about genders of albatross!!!!!!!! That is a fact.

Thank you so very much for being with me this last day of January. February is short. Richmond’s Rosie should be returning from her migration around Valentine’s Day. Something to look forward to and then…5-6 weeks for UK Osprey arrivals…4 weeks til Big Red lays her first egg. Oh, lots to look forward to. Take care all. See you soon.

Thank you to the following for their tweets, posts, announcements, videos, and streaming cams that make up my screen captures and blog: Conservation without Borders, Kakapo Recover, HIT, San Jose City Hall, SK Hideaways and Cal Falcons, FOBBV, Window to Wildlife, Paul White and the Webster TX Eagle Cam Watchers, SWFlorida Eagles and D Pritchett, KNF-E1, KNF-E3, Berry College Eagle Cam, Superbeaks, Moorings Park Ospreys, NZ-DOC and Cornell, Elain and NZ DOC and Cornell.


  1. Linda Kontol says:

    Hello Mary Ann and thank you for the newsletter updates. I know how you feel about missing your Dad on his birthday. I miss my Mom too. Her birthday was Sunday. They taught us so much. My Mom always had birds. She was always buying me blouses with birds on them. I still have and wear them sometimes.
    It is so welcoming to know we have so many nests to look forward to. So good to see our regular little ones are doing well thanks to plenty of food and good parenting. Mary Ann please stay in and take care during that much cold temps.
    I can’t even imagine what that feels
    Like. Hope to see you again soon here.

  2. B says:

    Poor Annie — her son Sequoia in San Jose is going to have to step up his game if he and Shasta are going to produce grand-chicks for her. And Annie’s New New Guy on the Campanile still needs more food-delivery training. On the positive side, a local all-news radio station broadcast a short snippet this morning about the drone ban around Annie’s home on the Campanile.

    Gosh, Pearl and Tico at Captiva have grown so quickly. They are such handsome/beautiful eaglets!

    1. B says:

      Oops — I meant Pearl and Tico at Superbeaks, not Captiva!

    2. I am so glad to hear that they going public and talking about this drone ban. Seriously drones flying around a campus? They are outlawed here in many places now because people were careless. But, yes, the falcons need some work. I think Annie’s new guy is quite young perhaps???

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