Lou and Annie’s fluff balls, hatch for Milda and Voldis, Osprey soap opera…Saturday in Bird World

15 April 2023

Good Morning Everyone,

Some excellent news has come to me via Karel and Bogette’s Livestream from Cornell this morning. Last year, Big Red’s beautiful girl, L1, was killed when she struck the breezeway that connects the old Stocking Building and the new Stocking Hall on the Cornell Campus. It is also the building where L3 was injured. Two years ago, a Bird Strike Committee was established at Cornell to remediate issues related to glass structures. The Acopians are now installed on the breezeway at Stocking so that Big Red and Arthur’s Ms and all other raptors on campus are protected.

This is Stocking Hall. The breezeway is in the middle.

The Acopians being installed.

The article about Bird Strike. Thank you, Cornell, for rising to the challenge since you are – Cornell Bird Lab! Now every building everywhere with glass should have these simple devices installed to protect our birds.

Oh, it was cold to the bone on Friday in the Canadian Prairies. The skies were heavy with clouds and only reached 4 degrees C. There was rain but that did not stop the Dark-eyed Juncos from seeking out the millet or the Starlings and Woodpeckers coming for the suet, thankfully. We will have some cloud and sun and then, believe it or not, snow is forecast for next week. Poor migrants!

The mate was waiting for its term on the Crabapple Tree.

The squirrels were out enjoying the peanuts! This is one of Dyson’s sweet babies from last year. Watching them chase one another through the lilacs, sending the birds fluttering away for a few minutes is such a pleasure. They all survived the winter.

Meanwhile, in the house, Lewis and Missy decided that rainy days were good for napping in the ‘Big Dog Bed’. They certainly fill it up! Despite their antics, the two of them are inseparable. Constantly having to touch one another, doing the same thing, grooming one another. It is pretty precious.

The early morning grin for the day continues to come from World Bird Sanctuary!

An intriguing interview and the ‘excellent news of the day’ comes from Conservation without Borders. This is one of the best – can wildlife thrive at a garbage dump? Listen to what Sasha Dench found out in Dakar, Senegal.

Annie and Grinnell’s Laurencium (Larry) has been breeding on Alcatraz and her and her her mate have four little eyases. Wow! That amazing pairing of Annie and Grinnell live on in their grandchicks.

Meanwhile, Annie and her new mate, Lou, have three eyases with constantly open beaks ready for prey!

‘A’ observes, “We’ve been wondering what sort of dad little Lou would be – I think this video answers the question. Isn’t he just the cutest little falcon? He looks so guilty when Annie catches him too, quickly offering her the food he had just carefully prepared for the little ones (he seemed more careful too about removing the feathers Annie is so fond of feeding the chicks). Love the little conversation between them.And those dear little eyases – all they know how to do at this point is open their tiny pink beaks as wide as possible. Unbelievably cute. I agree that it is now unlikely the fourth egg will hatch, which is probably a good thing, although I am quite sure this pair could manage to raise four. Lou is proving to be a very good provider, and like most males, he really wants some chick time.” 

The very young male falcon at San Jose City Hall is figuring it all out!

Iris was back at her nest Friday morning much to the relief of everyone after she was not seen for a couple of days. We all know that Iris is older than Mrs G and when we cannot see her, we do worry that she is no longer with us. Thank you for coming back to the nest, Iris. I have not seen any news of Louis visiting Iris since she returned from her migration. I find that rather interesting…or maybe he has been there and I have missed it.

In Wales, it appears that the quick visit by Monty’s 2016 hatch Z1 Tegid scared off one of the females vying for Aran’s attention to replacing Mrs G. Everyone loved that sweet female. Turns out she was Z1’s mate and he was wanting her to go home!!!!!! Tegid certainly has a beautiful mate and they have raised many chicks together. Let us hope that all is well.

The female on the nest on Friday was very assertive – a quality that many thinks bodes well for the nest sighting that ‘Aran likes to be bossed around’. Aran has been providing fish and the female is sleeping on the perch Friday night.

The new more aggressive female is still on the nest at Glaslyn with Aran on Saturday. He has brought her two fish and they have mated. Oh, I do hope she stays. She is a beauty! But also, Aran is an incredible male that deserves a super female. She has that look in her eye like Mrs G!

Then there is Kielder Forest and no one can figure out who is on what nest this year!

Mrs G has made the BBC news. No doubt numerous other news outlets will carry the story of this amazing osprey.

It was a summery day – 28.86 or 84 degrees F – for Big Red incubating her three eggs on the Cornell campus. This appears to be a heat record for this time of year in the area.

The two eaglets at the Pittsburgh-Hayes Bald Eagle nest were hot -. were it was also 28 degrees C.

Those same blistering temperatures were also at the Dulles-Greenway nest of Martin and Rosa. But human debris is on the nest. Let us hope the winds get up and carry it away!

‘A’ found a video of one of the feedings at Dulles-Greenaway. On Friday, all the kids did was eat. They are growing so fast with those incredible clown feet!

The challenging and magnificent year at the SW Florida Eagle Cam is quickly coming to an end. E21 and E22 fly and soar, play and peck, and have entertained us. It will be so sad to see them go. The family made the news again. It is a beautiful story. M15 did it and in grand style – raised two month-old eaglets alone.


More GHO strikes on the Es last night. Those owls are relentless.

Achieva and Dale Hollow: The early meals at Achieva on Friday appear to have mostly gone to the oldest chick on the nest; the same was also happening at Dale Hollow, although 18 did some of the early morning fish compared to the 3 bites that Middle got at Achieva. Food is a continuing problem at these nests, along with dominance issues.

It’s hot and the family is wishing for fish.

DH18 will move around to the side to get some fish away from the older sibling.

It is difficult to watch with the youngest prey calling to River. Heart breaking.

Trey had not been seen in Louisiana at the E1 nest (neither had Anna or Louis, as I understand it) for 11 days. Trey returned today and was limping. She is at the nest being cared for by her parents, who, most likely, was helping her away from the nest when she was injured. Everyone is hoping for a good rest for Trey and a great outcome to the limping leg.

The Bartlesville Oklahoma Bald Eagle nest lost a chick. It disappeared in the night several days ago. The third egg hatched and the couple are now raising two. Hopefully all goes well.

All of the other raptor nests that we have been following seem to be doing well. See note at the end about Achieva and Dale Hollow.

Trey has been moving around on the branches of the nest tree and was last seen on the fledge tree. Everyone is hoping that she might spend the night in the nest and let her injured leg rest and heal.

Rosie and Richmond have a new nest on the whirly crane this year. No eggs yet but soon. Are there specific reasons that raptors will build new nests? Akecheta and Thunder moved their nest. Was it because of the eaglet falling off? Andor and Cruz moved their nest. Was it because of Victor’s illness? Did Richmond and Rosie change the site of their nest on the crane because of Molate’s death last year? I wonder.

You can see the old nest further back.

I received news about the ill Bald Eagles in Cowlitz, WA. Thanks so much, ‘B’, for following up on this. The ill Bald Eagles had eaten the flesh of two horses that had been euthanised. As it happened, the backhoe broke before they could be buried, and quickly the eagles came in for the warrior, not knowing there was pentobarbital in their systems. The owner of the horses is working diligently with the local wildlife clinic to help those eagles. They had no idea that their actions would harm wildlife. Education is the key here for everyone. Please spread the world as it is appropriate.

Another hitchhiker! This time a Kestrel.

A map of Georgian Bay by Park Canada. Lots of islands.

Research into the diets of Kakapo found in ancient caves might help scientists help with new habitat locations.

There are a lot of open houses at the wildlife clinics coming up around the world. Check out what is happening in your local area and if you live anywhere near Ithaca (oh, don’t I wish), head for the Cornell Vet Lab. You will get to meet the ambassadors and one is a Big Red fledgling!

Congratulations to Milda and Voldis on the hatch of their first eaglet of the 2023 season. Voldis fed his little one some fish. Send all the most positive wishes to this family. Milda deserves it!

Last, Karl II is working on the nest for Kaia’s arrival. She is now in Ukraine. Soon! Karl II looks pretty comfy in that nest…he will have it perfect for his mate’s arrival.

Thank you so much for being with me today. It is always a pleasure to have you with us. Take care. See you soon!

Oh, and I forgot to say. Please feel free to share my blog on FB and Twitter if you wish. Just click on the buttons below. If you like what you have read, click the ‘Like’ button. Thanks!

Thank you to the following for their notes, videos, posts, and streaming cams that helped to make up my blog today: ‘A’, ‘B’, Karel and Boggette’s Livestream, Ellie VanHoulen and All About Birds, Corviforms and World Bird Sanctuary, Geemeff and Conservation without Borders, Cal Falcon Cam, SK Hideaways and San Jose City Hall Falcon Cam, Montana osprey Project, Welsh Osprey and Loch Garten and Other Ospreys, Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn, BBC, Cornell RTH, PIX Cams, Dulles-Greenway Eagles, S & M Turkatar and Dulles Greenway, SW Florida Eagle Cam and D Pritchett, Capecoralbreeze.com, Achieva Credit Union, Dale Hollow Eagle Cam, Tonya Irwin and Kisatchie National Forest Eagle Cam Fans, Sutton Centre, Golden Gate Audubon, Canadian Raptor Conservancy, Parks Canada, Department of Conservation (NZ), Cornell Hawk Cam Chatters, Latvian Fund for Nature, and Looduskalender Forum.

E21 is hit by GHO and flies back to nest…Thursday in Bird World

30 March 2022

Good Morning Everyone,

It was -4 C in ‘Winter Peg’. No snow. Blue skies and a chilly, chilly wind. We are now at the point of longing for spring to arrive, and it will be another month til it feels like it! I would love to wake up in the morning to hear the quack of ducks in my garden!


I will go back to SW Florida, but what we had feared all along happened. One of the Es got knocked off the branch while they were sleeping by the GHO. It was 21. ‘A’ sent the following note: “Both Es are in the nest tree, although I am not entirely certain that E21 may not have fledged and returned, as E22 suddenly got very excited by what could only have been E21 much higher in the nest tree. Camera scans had not found E21 in the tree prior to that, and I was starting to think he had fledged earlier this morning, then suddenly, E22 was squeeing like mad and there was E21. So I thought that he may have left the tree and returned. Otherwise, he was in the higher reaches of the nest tree all morning. Well, turns out that what happened was E21 got knocked out of the nest tree by a GHO and landed in a branch under the nest tree. Three hours later, he is now back in the nest tree. Congratulations E21.” E21 flew back to the nest so it is an official fledge. So lucky!

Heidi Mc got it on video- please watch to the end. The Es so happy to be together after the ordeal.

 If you missed it, Geemeff published Tim Mackrill’s brief talk about the miraculous journey of Blue KW0 cross the Atlantic to Barbados on the BBC.

I simply cannot help but continue to applaud this incredible Osprey. She is an amazing bird and let us all hope that she lives a long and productive life.

A fantastic interview with Sasha Dench and her return to Guinea to find 4K again and check out the challenges for the ospreys return to the UK. Thanks, Geemeff. Please listen. It is such a good interview.

Geemeff got to visit Rutland today and guess who they caught mating? Oh, eggs soon Blue 33 and Maya!

When CJ7 gets back to Poole Harbour she might have something to say to Blue 22, who has been cavorting with the unringed female on their nest at Poole Harbour!

Maya and Blue continue to work on the nest and are waiting for eggs. Blue 25 seems to be staying away or maybe her mate has now returned.

Telyn is at the Dyfi nest patiently waiting for Idris to return while eating her flounder in the wind.

Looks like she finished that off nicely! Telyn is also an excellent fisher.

Waiting for Mrs G and Aran at Glaslyn Valley where it has flooded and there is currently rain. At one time the nest was a wading pool.

It has been raining up at the Loch of the Lowes where Laddie LM12 and Blue NC0 (she has lost a ring) are hoping for eggs soon!

Heavy rain drops are falling at Louis and Dorcha’s nest at Loch Arkaig. According to one of the nest experts, the pair typically do not return until April. Smart! It looks damp and cold.

It is dreary at Clywedog, also. Dylan and Seren are both home from their migration. These are the first Welsh couple to be reunited this season.

This incredible couple made the news! There were so many new stories about Ospreys today. I wonder if the unthinkable journey of Blue KW0 across the Atlantic has sparked international interest in the fish hawks.


There are three rather energetic osplets on the Achieva Osprey nest. I don’t know how this season will end but right now the little one is quite feisty. That said, the beaking has already started. The key will be for Jack to keep the fish coming in to the nest just like a train – finish one, get another. Like Harry did at the Moorings Osprey Park in Naples, Florida when Abby and Victor were wee. It didn’t stop Abby’s dominance but Victor is still happily with us!

Trey at the KNF E1 nest of Anna and Louis is having a great time flying from branch to branch at the nest tree today. She is sitting right above the nest on a branch in the image below. What a magnificent eaglet.

Prey delivery at the KNF E-3 nest of Alex and Andria and their kids, Valentine and Nugget. Both Valentine and Nugget on the nest while Andria looks on.

Connick is big and beautiful and his nest is full of fish at Captiva. Connie and Clive will still be close at hand even though Connick might like to only self-feed and be somewhat independent. Clive supplies lots of fish. You can see them on the nest. I am counting seven!

Rose and Ron’s two eaglets at the WRDC nest in Miami are sooooo cute.

They have names – and every time I go to keyboard them in I forget. So…the two at Duke Farms have their complete thermal down. There are only a few little white dandelions remaining from their youth.

Sharon Pollock shows us what the Es have been up to!

Both have been up on the attic together. Could we have a dual fledge?

In California, ‘B’ warned me that bad weather was approaching Jackie and Shadow in Big Bear and would arrive on Wednesday. He was 100% correct. I am sooooooo glad there are no little eaglets on this nest right now. This front is expected to last through Thursday. It makes me cold just looking at it!

Shadow cannot stop thinking about those nest rails even with the snow and wind! Does he know the Ravens have been taking them?

At the Bartlesville, Oklahoma Bald Eagle nest, there are three eggs! Thanks, ‘L’ for letting us know and for sending us the link to their camera.

It is raining in Corona California but this is not stopping Pip, Tootsie, and Hoot from fledging! Congratulations Owlvira and Hoots for another successful year.

Angus and Florence will have hatch around the third week in April. There are three eggs for these first-time parents. If they all hatch, this will be a crazy nest to watch. Gosh that is a long time away. How will they do in the heat and humidity?

A check on the Moorings Ospreys shows that Victor walks freely around the nest today with no monofilament hindrance—smart little one. Whenever there is an incoming fish, and he fears Abby will not be agreeable, he gets between Sally’s legs to eat and protect his head!

We have all been concerned about the Moorings osprey platform since the incident with the monofilament line. It is, sadly, too familiar. Humans must be vigilant and take better care. Sunnie Day sent me a link to a site. Please check it out. I understand that they might even retrieve line. So write this down somewhere! It could save a life.


The Moorings Park monofilament line also brings to mind the need for all streaming cam owners to have proper contact information that will respond. It is unknown how many citizen scientists – you – save the lives of birds each year. There are no statistics. What we know is that individuals watching nests know the birds personally. They can tell when they are sick. Watchers first spotted Legacy not feeling well at the NEFL Bald Eagle nest, and it was confirmed she had Avian Flu. Others – I remember Patuxent and my friends ‘S’ and ‘L’ calling everyone. A staff member listened to the taped phone messages and took their canoe to save an osprey chick falling in the water. The tide had not come in, and it was a glorious ending. ——So my point is this: YOU can save lives. To do so, you need the phone number of the nearest wildlife rehab centre for the nests you watch. You need to report what is happening and where clearly. If it is a human caused issue, such as fishing line, they can get the permit in the US to go to the nest. If a chick falls out of a nest, they can help. You are all wonderful and you can make a difference! Do not hesitate. Do not assume someone else has called.

We have a falcon egg at the Spartan Stadium in Michigan!

It is never the outcome we hope for but this posting does help us understand just how well the raptors can adapt to injuries. We have seen eagles with one leg, eagles with a mangled leg become mothers (Ma Berry), and this one with only two toes surviving well til he broke his wing. Remember this – a good learning lesson! Share the story with others when they wonder if an eagle can survive and hunt with only two toes.

That is a round-up of some of the nests we have been following. Stay tuned for the Es fledge. It is coming quicker than we might imagine. Will they fly together?

Thank you for being with me today. Take care everyone. See you soon!

Thank you to the following for their notes, their videos, posts, announcements, articles, and streaming cams that helped to make up the news in my blog today: ‘A’, ‘H’, ‘L’, Heidi Mc and SW Florida Eagle Cam, Geemeff, Sunni Day, The Guardian, Tim Mackrill and the BBC, Tom Heap and Sky News, Geemeff and LRWT, Poole Harbour Ospreys, LRWT, DYFI, Glaslyn, LOTL and the Scottish Wildlife Trust, Friends of Loch Arkaig and the Woodland Trust, CarnyxWild, Cambrian News UK, Achieva Credit Union, KNF E-1, KNF E-3, Window to Wildlife, WRDC, Duke Farms, Sharon Pollock and SW Florida Eagle Cam and D Pritchett, FOBBV, Sutton Wildlife, Moorings Park Ospreys, Mind Your Line, Olga Kysil and Orange Australia Peregrine Falcons, Terry Carman and Bald Eagles Live Nest and Cams.

Can you help us find Tweed Valley Osprey Blue 707 -Kirk?

29 March 2022

The discovery of Blue KW0 on Barbados by Michael St John and KW0’s miraculous journey from the UK to the Caribbean gives hope that other Ospreys -believed to have perished – might still be alive. Indeed, the keen eyes of Julian Moore spotted the Garganey, in the image below, on the island on 20 March 2023. The first recorded sighting of a Garganey on Barbados was in 1960 at Foster’s, St Lucy. Since then, Moore says there have been several other sightings. Just imagine. UK Birds could have been crossing the Atlantic for the last 63 years! or more.

The Garganey. They will look like a Blue-winged Teal, but there are two white stripes on the scapular for the Garganey instead of one, like the Teal.

The presence of the Garganey and Blue KW0 confirms that varying species of birds can leave the UK in late August or September for their wintering grounds on the Iberian Peninsula or Africa, only to be blown off course as far as the Caribbean. That is some 4500 miles! With this knowledge, I hope that ‘the collective WE’ of Bird World can help Tweed Valley Osprey Projects find Blue 707 Kirk.

Some Background:

The adult birds at the Tweed Valley Osprey Project are Mrs O and PW3.

Mrs O laid four eggs. PW3 took exception to the first egg and kicked it out of the nest. He clearly believed it might not have been ‘his’. Eggs two and three were laid on the 23rd of April while the fourth was laid on the 29th. The first two osplets hatched on the 29th of May, including our Kirk, with the third on the 31st of May.

Mrs O with her first two hatches.

There are three of them.

When they were 44 days old, the trio were fitted with their Darvic Rings. It was the 12th of July. At the same time, satellite tags were attached to each.

Tony Lightley will fit the bands and the trackers.

Lightley measured and weighed the osplets, determining that all three were strong and healthy males. The Darvic rings were blue with numerical digits 706, 707 and 708.

Here they are with their bling. Kirk 707 is in the middle.


The information that satellite trackers can provide is quite vast. One aspect of this project was to follow these juveniles to their winter homes to try and find out what the challenges were that they faced – so they might be mitigated in the future.

Present during the banding were members of the Conservation Without Borders. Sasha Dench and the crew will use the data from these osplets to follow them to their winter homes. That project is Flight of the Osprey. This is some very good information on what Conservation Without Borders hopes to achieve:

Flight of the Osprey is an innovative approach to conservation, highlighting grassroots projects along the flyway in collaboration with UN agencies, scientists, media and governments.”

“Accompanying the osprey on its 2022 autumn migration across Europe and Africa, this 10,000 km expedition will gather vital data on the threats faced by this iconic bird of prey and other migratory species. At the same time, we will create a unique platform from which to engage, educate and empower communities along the flyway and further afield, promoting a deeper understanding of the challenges to migratory birds, both within and beyond the conservation community.

I have never seen each fledgling osprey leave the nest completely on the same day. This is, however, what happened at Tweed. On the 26th of August, all three began their southward journeys. It was a Friday. Excellent information came in on their locations.

  • Glen was around Kendal in Cumbria
  • Kirk was at Loch Esk, near Eskdalemuir
  • Tweed was at the Welsh borders, near Whitchurch

By Saturday the 27th, Kirk and Tweet had reached the SW of England. Then, according to Tweed Valley records, “Kirk followed his brother out to sea but bizarrely turned north towards Ireland. Around 15 miles before reaching Ireland, he turned south again…” It was thought that weather conditions might have caused Kirk to have to fly towards Ireland.

On the 30th of August, Kirk eventually made landfall in Ireland. He flew for 22 hours. Tweed Valley says, “We believe bad weather forced him to turn north rather than follow his brother Tweed south towards Portugal. Since arriving in Ireland he has been touring, heading firstly north towards Limerick before heading west and south down the coast. It looks like he has found a roost along the River Cumneragh and we hope he’s resting before thinking of going south again.”

The other records state: “Kirk remained in Ireland since changing course and turning back during his ocean crossing last week. He arrived near Cork on the south coast but has since done a big tour of the south west area of Ireland. He settled in an area next to Coomacheo Wind Farm which was a bit worrying given his total lack of experience in the world. We worried that he could collide with the turbine blades which can be a hazard for raptor species.”

Kirk was not killed by the blades of the wind turbines, thankfully. He fished along the River Clydagh and roosted in nearby forestry.

River Clydagh and forestry – geograph.org.uk – 4005190” by Hywel Williams is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

The last transmission from Kirk was on the 5th of September.

Tweed Valley reports: “On 5 September after a half hour roost near to the river he suddenly shot off on a northwesterly direction towards the coast. His tracker recorded a speed of 95kmph and an altitude of 240 metres when he set off, the speed dropped off to 60kmph and then back up to 84kmph near to the coast and there have been no further data points since he flew out across the sea. There will be an absence of masts to send signal but it is still the wrong direction if it is the start of any further migration.”

This is the last data. No one has seen or heard from Kirk since the 5th of September.

Unfortunately, for all their usefulness, satellite trackers are not foolproof. It is also almost impossible to ‘notice and photograph’ an Osprey unless you are really looking with camera in hand like Michael St John was in Barbados. In fact, many persons might have seen Kirk and did not know that news of him would be ever so welcome.

I have now written to learn more about the weather patterns in Ireland and SW England on or around the 5th of September. These could be important for understanding how Blue KW0 got to Barbados along with the Garganey. It might also give us clues about where Kirk Blue 707 might be.

We now know birds can ease their flight by hitching rides on ships. It is also thought that Blue KW0 might have stopped off to feed at the Azores. Of course, all of this is conjecture. We do not know all the marvellous things these Ospreys can do. Would Kirk have made it to the Azores? Is he still there?

Map showing the location of the Azores to Ireland (light green, left of the grey UK).

I will let you know when I have more information on the possible wind and weather patterns.

I urge you to circulate this blog widely. Please put it on your Facebook and Twitter feeds, and send it to friends and colleagues that might live in the Caribbean or elsewhere. We do not know what happened to Kirk 707 after the 5th of September. Did he remain in Ireland like the Tundra Swan in Manitoba? So, please send it out to everyone you know in Ireland. Send it out to all birding groups that you know or locate. We do want to get the word out. Let us get a search going – look up. You might see Blue 707! Thank you.

I want to thank Michael St John for introducing me to Julian Moore and for Julian Moore allowing me to include his images of the Garganey. I want to also share my deep appreciation to Geemeff who introduced me to Diane Bennett, Tweed Valley Osprey Project, and to the TVOP for allowing me to use their images in my blog and the information from it in the hopes of finding Kirk 707.

Pips everywhere…Sunday in Bird World

26 March 2022

The sun is bright, and the temperature is only -2 C, but a 22 kph wind makes it chilly! I have not seen them, but others have witnessed 45 Bald Eagles and 1 Golden Eagle arriving from their winter migration. First American Robin seen, also. Amazing. Last year many of the eagles who make their nests on the ground and the ducks’ and geese’ nests were ruined by overland flooding. Hoping that does not happen this year!

For me, the delight of the day came when about half a dozen Dark-eyed Juncos landed in the lilac bushes at about 1630! They’re back. Mr and Mrs Downy had just departed when they arrived. Do you know what this means? A trip to the bird food store for millet tomorrow.

‘H’ reports that it was quite the day at the WRDC nest. There was a feast with Rose bringing in 2 fish and Ron delivering 7 fish and a duck. Goodness. There was even one feeding. Needless to say neither chick was hungry! Incredible.

Gosh, that fish on the Moorings Park Osprey Platform has been there a long time. Sally started feeding Abby and Victor and Abby took great exception to Victor wanting food. Not that behaviour is any surprise. Poor little Victor. He did wait it out and watched and got over and Mum Sally fed him until he had a nice crop. There is still fish left.

Little Victor finally getting some fish.

Around 1640 Sally ‘decided’ to feed Abby and Victor before they got ravenous. Great idea. They both ate little civilised cherubs. Each got fed a nice meal.

There was even fish left for Sally.

Victor had a nice crop as the sun was setting over the nest. Harry was not around much today. Chasing off intruders? Sally caught one fish herself. Saw it from the nest and went and got it. Don’t think she cared much for that other fish that Harry brought in. Perhaps it was too bony.

Sally and the osplets sound asleep…Victor tucked in under Mum.

There is fish hiding all over the Dulles-Greenway Bald Eagle nest. The triplets are doing just fine. Martin and Rosa seem to managing them well.

This is the listing of the UK Ospreys that have returned. Thanks, Mary Cheadle!

Seren Blue 5F is an amazing fisher. Here she is with a huge trout – too large to finish in one meal. She will have the rest for breakfast.

There is still some rumbling on FB about Gabby ‘being missing since Wednesday’. Gabby has returned from her spa days. The AEF has confirmed this with the following post on the 25th of March.

Here are some images:

Meanwhile Jackie and Shadow keep us guessing at Big Bear.

They certainly have been bringing in more railing!

Our big girl Jackie on the left and Shadow on the right. A great image to see the difference in scale between male and female Bald Eagles.

Shadow provided Jackie with several fish on the nest Saturday. The perfect gentleman…oh, Shadow, you really do want those eggs!

‘A’ sent news that all three GH owlets at the Corona California nest have now branched.

Bonnie and Clyde’s owlets on Farmer Derek’s property in Kansas are enjoying some sun and from being out from under Mum!

E21 is 79 days old today. The average age of fledge at South West Florida is 83 days. Oh, what a bittersweet moment this is all going to be.

Sometimes you can only see a few talons!

They track Dad when he is incoming with prey and get themselves in that nest!

On Saturday, M15 brought in no less than five fish for the Es.

M15 and the kids did defy the odds…fledge watch! We should all be jumping up and down with joy but, the moments are so bittersweet. What an amazing season and what a pleasure to watch M15 rise to every occasion. We do not know what his fate will be after the Es leave the area. Will M15 get a mate and keep the nest? Will he leave on his own for a more quiet life elsewhere after Harriet? We wait.

The miracle at the SW Florida nest this year has made the Naples news.


Mum and Dad eating on the nest at Duke Farms along with the two eaglets. These two are so easy to watch!

Three eggs laid on February 20, 23, and 26 at Denton Homes. We will be on pip watch next week.

There is a possible pip at the NCTC nest of Bella and Smitty Saturday night.

There is a pip at Pittsburgh-Hayes, which was confirmed at 16:44 on Saturday. Hatch is now in progress. Oh, the wind is really blowing and it feels cold just watching Mum trying to get some sleep, hunkered down.

Did we not think everyone would have a hatch at the same time. Oh, goodness.

At the Webster, Texas Bald Eagle nest near Houston, Ringo has branched!

Beautiful Mama Goose and her two eggs at the Decorah Goose Cam in Iowa. The second laid on Saturday the 25th at 1000.

Eggs covered with nesting material and down while Mum has a break.

If you are into wading birds, do you know about the Alligator and Spoonbill Swamp Cam in St Augustine, Florida?


Ferris Akel had the most extraordinary images of the Sandhill Crane migration. These images were taken in Nebraska. Ferris said the tour was 1000% worth it! Even getting up at 0400 for the fly off.

Ferris Akel is a gem. He has a streaming tour of the Ithaca area every Saturday. You can see it later archived on YT. He also shares so much and taking us with him on this amazing tour was very special.

There are upwards of 400,000 Sandhill Cranes in this area migrating right now. They expect 600-650,000 at peak migration, according to Ferris.

This is a gathering place. They will gather around marshes often surrounded by prairie forest feeding and then flying off at dawn. Every crane set off at the same time to continue its travels north.

Those Sandhill Cranes will be flying into Southern Manitoba any day now!

Ferris has this fantastic spectacle – with the sound of the cranes – now on YT. Thank you, Ferris Akel!

This is why we need everyone to stop using lead in hunting and fishing equipment (and military).

Conservation without Borders are heading back to West Africa to see if they can find Tweed Valley Osprey Glen whose tracker says he is still in Morocco. I hope he is there for their arrival and not on his way back to the UK. Go Sasha Dench and Crew!

Meanwhile, we are going to band together and try to locate Glen’s brother, Kirk 707 beginning this week!

Good Morning, gorgeous. Big Red and Arthur have sure been trying out that egg cup. All eyes are on the 20 year old Red tail Hawk, the Queen of the Cornell Campus.

On the Canadian Prairies, people are just getting ready for gardening season. With the high cost of food, many are converting lawns into gardens or, if they have a small space, container gardens. This article in The Guardian challenges us to reconsider our garden because it should be a vital place for wildlife. Have a read, get some ideas! Send me some pictures if you join in. I would love to see what you are doing to help everything from a small insect, songbirds, beavers, deer, and waterfowl!


Missy is going to help us review a new book for next week. It is Water Babies. The Hidden Lives of Baby Wetland Birds by William Burt. Oh, just in time for the new season!

She has already started evaluating the images!

Thank you so much for being with me today. Please take care. Remember to get outside and take in some fresh air, even if it is on your balcony or front step! See you soon.

Thank you to the following for their notes, posts, tweets, streaming cams and videos that helped make up my blog today: ‘H’, ‘A’, Moorings Park Ospreys, Dulles-Greenway, Mary Cheadle, Carnyx Wild, AEF, NEFL-AEF, FOBBV, Baiba and FOBBV, Corona Owl Cam, SW Florida Eagle Cam, Duke Farms, Denton Homes, Deb Stecyk and the NCTC Eagle Cam, Pix Cams, Paul White and Webster Texas Eagles, Decorah Goose Cam, Alligator and Spoonbill Swamp Cam, Ferris Akel Live Tour, Terry Carman Bald Eagle Live Nests and Cams, Conservation without Borders, Cornell RTH, and The Guardian.

Jackie screams at Ravens, Saving Albatross…Friday in Bird World

10 February 2022

Good Morning Everyone!

It is hard to turn on the SWFlorida streaming cam and not see M15 there with a big fish feeding the Es. So far on Thursday there were 4 feedings and M15 has already fed both eaglets breakfast Friday morning. When 22 slid right in by 21, I almost fell out of my desk chair. The environment on this nest has changed so much since our worries of a week ago. The food security that M15 has established is really working wonders, bringing a normalcy back to this beautiful eagle nest. When do you remember 21 giving 22 a thorough going over? Many thought 22 might not live – including me. Well, I am sure happy to have to eat those words! Life is good. In fact, even the GHOs are cooperating. Their owlets, there are two of them, will fledge and be away from the natal nest before the Es even branch! That in itself is a miracle and will stop a lot of potential problems. M15 and the eaglets are very blessed.

Those four feedings were 09:18:14, 10:10:28, 14:43:40 (a massive catfish), and 15:58:25 with another big fish. Here are a few images from those feedings.

09:18:20. 21 is going to eat first. Notice those beautiful feathers coming in on the back of 21. The eagles are losing their fluffy white natal down, they have grown their thermal down, and now the feathers that will mark them as juveniles are growing in. The eaglets are healthy, they are developing as they should, and I noticed that 22 is even standing on its feet.

09:19. E21 is really enjoying this nice breakfast.

09:34. E22 did not mess out. Look, E22 has a really nice crop.

M15 hangs in there, surveys what is happening and manages by moving the prey and himself to make sure both of his children get fed. Lovely. It is almost impossible to hold back the tears of joy just looking at how well this family is doing. I think it gives us hope for other nests that find themselves missing an adult at a crucial time.

10:10. 22 is there for some bites. You can really tell the two apart now. Glance at the image above. It is like someone took a crochet hook and tied in some feathers to the down and made a gorgeous cape for 21 with some black fringe at the terminal end of the tail. Beautiful.

14:44. Huge catfish lands on the nest. This is really a nice one and it is going to feed everyone. I know that some of you are now beginning to worry that M15 is taking such good care of the eaglets that he is neglecting himself. Let us hope not. He has to take care so that he can be all things to these two babies. There is still a long way to go before they fly the coop er’ tree.

This is the image that really brought tears to my eyes today. It is 14:52. Both of the eaglets have crops, they are side by side, they are facing dad. 22 looks as if he is smiling. There is no tension or fear in this image. Instead, it is two eaglets and their dad in the sunshine enjoying a catfish meal together.

When I captured this screen image, it was almost one week since Harriet went missing. M15 is doing her proud. Notice also how heavy 21’s wings are now. They are drooping just like they are supposed to. Also notice the size of the feet.

No animosity between the eaglets although 22 remains careful and quick to duck if he thinks 21 might beak. Actually smart. It will help him later when he is around lots of birds that want to take his food.

22 really does like to peck at the nest overs. A survivor.

15:10 and the rest of that catfish belongs to 22 and Dad.

You are amazing M15!

As the eaglets try and sleep, rain is beginning to fall on them. I wonder if M15 will go down to the nest? No, he did not. He is doing sentry duty on the branch. Let us hope that the GHOs are so busy feeding themselves and the two owlets at night that they do not have any time to go fly into M15.

The Friday morning first feeding was around 0800. 21 ate and then 22. A distraction for Dad in-between. Both eaglets are quite fine. My friend ‘A’ wrote that it was the first time she didn’t check on the SWFlorida Nest first. Gosh, that is the most wonderful thing to say.

21 at 0805.

22 eating at 0826.

You can Make a Difference:

Do you eat tuna? swordfish? Do you know someone who does? Do you know how it is caught? is it by pole? or is it by long-line trawler? The problem right now is one of trust. What certification can we trust? Here is an article from the BBC. There are many more, some supported by the long line fishing industry to make you think that line fishing is sustainable. It is not. There are ways that long line trawlers can make fishing safe. Some groups and countries will even provide free sparkly lines or the boat crews can bait the lines at night or put them over the side BUT are those ships churning fish into the bellies of boats 24/7 really doing the right thing for the environment? for the birds? I have stopped eating fish altogether – it is one way to be sure. 90% of the ocean’s fish, since the end of the nineteenth century, are gone. Feeding humans is causing the birds that rely on the fish from the sea to starve. Do you really need that can of tuna?

There is a battle going on right now to save the Albatross – all of them but, especially the Antipodean Albatross. Since 2005, their population number has decreased by 60%. In 20 years, if we do not dramatically change the way tuna and swordfish are caught, these gentle sentinels will be extinct. Someone I know -and I am sure you have seen her name if you are part of the Orange Peregrine Falcon FB group- Holly Parsons, reached out to me. She is on a campaign to stop people from eating tuna and swordfish and to do something about the deaths that are occurring due to long line fishing. This is, of course, something very dear to my heart and to another friend, ‘R’.

A beautiful video – so well made – and short. Please watch and then share it! The more people that understand the issues and step forward to end long line fishing trawlers, the better the world will be. Thank you! Thanks Holly for reaching out.

In the News:

Falco, the Eurasian Owl that escaped when vandals cut its cage at the New York City Zoo, has been delighting viewers around Central Park. But can the owl survive in the wild? Many are afraid that it cannot.


Two female bald Eagles fighting in Nova Scotia, Canada get so enraged with one another over a territory or prey defence – and so tangled – that both ended up in rehab. Great little video (note: there is a cruise ad at the beginning – just bear with it to get to the story).


https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/talon-locked-bald-eagles-treated-at-nova-scotia-s-hope-for-wildlife-1.6261910?utm_campaign=trueAnthem: New Content (Feed)

What an idea. Train a team of Spaniels to sniff out and kill rodents to save the lives of birds – it is a Welsh trial but, I am wondering if a team of these dogs would not work to aid those islands with Albatross that are getting bitten and killed by rats??? What do you think?


Germany is taking the injury and/or killing of raptors seriously. Let’s see this happen with those that keep getting their sentencing postponed in the UK. It is time to stand up for wildlife and the environment – no matter where we live. The raptors cannot go to court and speak for themselves, neither can the Buzzards, the White-tail Eagles, the Storks – all of them. They need our help since we are, in fact, the ones that took away their pristine environment, turned them into hats and fancy dress, and put their eggs in cases while poisoning the water and land where they get their food.

‘H’ and I have been making lists of what kills ospreys for almost a year now, going back and forth. Conservation without Borders posted a list of 37 items that need tackling to make the world safe. Have a read – lots we haven’t even considered! What can each of us do to help?

Do not dye birds for fun! It kills them. I want to ask: what idiot would think this is a good idea? Once again, you can help. If you hear of anyone – or any civic project – that is going to release artificially coloured birds – you try and stop them. Reason with them, phone the news stations, whatever it takes to peacefully stop a potential death sentence.


Big Red and Arthur’s fourth hatch in 2022, L4, is still on the Cornell campus. There is also what seems to be a light coloured Red-tailed male around. Here is Cornell’s tweet:

OK. They are not raptors – not by a long shot but, I do dearly love these flightless parrots of New Zealand – the Kakapo. The Recovery project is continuing with naming the 55 that survived to be a year old from the 2022 hatch! What an incredible number of survivors. Aren’t they adorable?

In the Nests:

The ‘New Guy’ at Cal Falcons and Annie have been eating and mating on the ledge. Sharon Pollock captured the action for us. Will we have some eggs in that scrape at The Campanile soon?

There is an injury to the talon of HD at Decorah. How will he fare?

We saw Diamond soaking wet and in much need of a trip to the salon yesterday. I didn’t have images of Indigo. Elain has caught that wee fledgling! So happy Indigo made it to the scrape.

Angus brought a live Sheepshead fish to Mabel at the Captiva Nest – and she dropped it when flying off. So sad for her. The video capture by HeidiMc is quick. Don’t look away!

Connick, the only eaglet of Clive and Connie, seems to eat and be in a perpetual food coma. He is growing and growing. Really strong thick legs and such beautiful thermal down. Cute little tail that he seems to like to wiggle. Just look at Connick’s mohawk…too funny. He still has his light grey mouth…watch as it will turn to yellow.

Connick, that crop is so big. Can you even lift yourself up?

As we get closer and closer to pip watch for Jackie and Shadow, the Ravens are being relentless in their harassment, flying all about the tree. Thursday morning Jackie went flat to protect the eggs. Then she began doing several alarm vocalisations. We are 5 days away from pip watch. Jackie and Shadow are being extremely vigilant. After the eaglet/s hatch, they will need to continue this high level of security. The eaglets will not be safe from predation until they are about a month old.

I have not checked on all the nests today. Jak and Audacity at Sauces Canyon do have a third egg. Typically the shell of the third can be thinner than the others. Let us all collectively hope that this one egg might make it to hatch!

I did check on the Black Storks, Waba and Udu. Waba is the 2022 hatch of Karl and Kaia and Udu is a 2021 hatch from the Karula National Forest nest in Estonia. Waba continues to fish in the Sudan.

Udu is in Turkey but not around the earthquake area.

There has not been tracking information for Kaia since she landed in Chad, from Karl when he would be flying to his wintering home form the Nile, or from Bonus who was last heard from when he was in the Western Desert. We hope that when spring migration begins, their transmitters will start to send signals. Zoe has not sent a transmission for 36 hours. Friends of Osprey are not worried as she is in the area where there was no cell coverage before. Send everyone your positive and good energy. ‘H’ just wrote to me and said that Zoe has now missed another tracking notice. Please send good wishes that she is simply out of range.

Thank you so much for being with me today. Please take care everyone. See you soon!

Thank you to the following for their notes, their posts, their tweets, videos, and their streaming cams that make up my screen captures and blog: ‘A’, ‘H’, Holly Parsons, Southwest Florida Bald Eagles and D Pritchett, CTV News Atlantic, The Guardian, CABS, The BBC, Live Ocean, Conservation without Borders, @Cornell Hawks, Kakapo Recovery, Sharon Pollock and Cal Falcons, Raptor Resource Project, Elain and Charles Sturt Falcon Cam and Cilla Kinross, Window to Wildlife, Heidi Mc and Window to Wildlife, FOBBV, and Looduskalender English Forum.

WTE spends a year living in wild with only one foot, Bonnie and Clyde are back…Wednesday in Bird World

1 February 2022

It is a new month and the shortest one of the year! It is -28 C in Winnipeg. The kittens spent some time enjoying the sunshine in the conservatory watching the birds today. Oh, what joy they bring — and of course, the birds and the squirrels.

Missy is the alpha cat – the boss. She gets the little house on the cat tree.

Lewis thinks he is ‘Kingpin’ on the top. Too funny. Missy looks sweet. She could make mincemeat out of Lewis at any time of day — if her gentle nature got stressed. So far, so good. She has even taken over his drawer in the console cabinet once or twice this week.

Lots of things starting to happen…the GHO couple that stole the Bald Eagle nest in 2021, skipped 2022, and are back this year with their first egg laid on Tuesday 31 January. A White-tail eagle lives a year successfully with only one along…wow.

In the Mailbox and Making News:

Geemeff sent me the link to this amazing story. Thank you, Geemeff! Before you go to the blog of Tim Mackrill and I do recommend reading it for the full story – stop for a moment and consider that this White-tailed Eagle has been living for at least a year without a foot.

If you work at a wildlife rehab facility, I urge you to print this up or send the link to the vets. Maybe it is time – in memory of our dear WBSE 26 – and all the others – that life can be full with one talon and the birds should be given a chance! Not a needle.

Copy and paste the link into your browser to read the blog if it doesn’t open up for you.

Birding. Often if you want to see birds, you wind up going to places you never dreamed…sewage treatment plants, industrial estates, garbage dumps and landfills. You may recall the stories and my blog about the Adjutant General in Assam or tales of the storks in Portugal or Spain. Well, here in Winnipeg, the Bald Eagles that have their nest at our nature centre frequent ‘the dump’ just a mile away.

EJ sent this link if you live around Boston’s Logan landfill:


I was very interested in a local mail out from our wildlife rehabber. For the first time, they have included ‘dogs’ in the pie chart of the causes of injuries to wildlife. It is more than cats! Indeed, dogs are the highest for our local wildlife. Wonder what it is where you live?

A bird charity in the UK has been locked out of its accounts. The bird is the Woodcock. Go figure.

The use of AI is causing problems on numerous social media outlets. Everyone is complaining. Isn’t that just the cutest little bird?


The US EPA has vetoed the proposed Pebble mine in Bristol Bay Alaska that would have the potential of polluting the pristine waters that the Alaskan salmon enjoy. Ironically, I do not connect – in my head – the Alaskan Salmon with people’s meals but, with the Bald Eagles who thrive on it.

That said, if all of the agencies, around the world, were to enforce all clean air and water laws the world would be a better place for all of us – our feathered friends included. Today, for example, you cannot go and see wildlife at the Barbados Wildlife Reserve because raw sewage has been allowed to be dumped by neighbours to the sanctuary and it has created a biohazard area in the Mangroves.

Reports of raw sewage being poured into the water around the world is, sadly, becoming more and more of an occurrence. Band together with local groups and have a win like they did in Alaska — there will be no Pebble Mine!


‘L’ sent a link to a wonderful article about the decorative birdhouses in Turkey. She has seen them on her travels. Perhaps you have, too. The rest of us can enjoy the beautiful images in the following article. Thanks, ‘L’.

BIrdNote.org. https://www.amusingplanet.com/…/the-decorative…

Audubon has launched its bird migration explorer so you can follow species as they begin their trips from their winter homes to their spring and summer breeding grounds.


At the Nests:

First up. Remember the GHO pair that fought for and won the Bald Eagle nest on Farmer Derek’s property in Kansas? Well, guess who is back incubating the egg she laid this morning? Oh, yes, none other than Bonnie!


Oh, Sally and Harry have only two eggs at the Moorings Osprey nest. Can you see me jumping up and down for joy? Can you imagine if every nest only had 2 eggs??????? I would have nothing to do and that would be just fine.

Want to have a nervous breakdown quickly? because of a raptor? Just go over to visit Connick at the Captiva Bald Eagle nest! Connick had more of his body over the edge than inside. Sound asleep. Not a care in the world.

Adults working away on the nest burying that egg.

Connie managed to lure Connick back into the nest with some fish! Thank goodness. If that eaglet had wiggled the wrong way… OK. Everything is fine. Let’s not go there.

Connick is shaded by Mum Connie. By 1400 it is really hot on the nest.

It was a beautiful morning over at Superbeaks. The eagles were up early doing some self-feeding and then the adults begin to come in with some fresh prey. They still love feeding their babies…ha, ha. Babies. Big turkeys now. Pearl is 54 days old and Tico is 53.

The Superbeaks kids have been hot, little Connick was just panting and panting to stay cool and then getting cool with the aid of Mum. Imagine then what would it be like in Miami if Ron and Rose had chicks this late. Well, they have to lay the eggs first and then it is 35 days… I wonder? They are still working on that nest.

It is certainly a nice nest..my goodness, one of the nicest I have seen. Not many thought Ron Magill’s Papadum Chair nest would be accepted and ‘work’ for an eagle family but it proved itself last year. And, of course, there are three 2 week fertile periods so there is still a chance for eggs. Surely the eagles know better than I do whether to have eggs or not. Just seems like it would be awfully hot.

It is certainly not clear about the two eaglets at Webster Texas – Ringo, the eldest, and Boots, the tiny second hatch. Yesterday, Ringo got all the food til later in the day and finally, when I thought little Boots was too weak (it has been hot there) to eat, it got a full feeding and a full crop. Relief of sorts. It is hot. Did I say that several times. Boots has to be hydrated. Should be getting food every couple of hours he is so tiny, not once a day. But he ate. Send positive wishes to our little one.

Ringo with a huge crop. Mum reaches down to start feeding Boots.

Rhonda A caught the two eaglets of Alex and Andria working those wings yesterday after the rain and during the drizzle. Go Valentine! Go 02!

More flapping by Valentine!

Jackie and Shadow are really having to be careful during Tuesday. The Ravens are about. Shadow stays on the nest for some time while they each get a turn to eat some of the fish that Shadow brought in earlier on Monday.

At the nest of Gabby and V3 near St Petersburg, V3 was at the nest but as of 1600 Tuesday, Gabby has not been there today. Don’t think these two will be raising eaglets this year. Gabby might decide it is a good time to head on vacation when it starts getting really hot! Will V3 be the male of choice next year? We simply have to wait and see.

Gracie Shepherd caught E21, Harriet and M15’s oldest eagle this year standing up and walking – and using its wings for balance. Gosh, lots of eaglets working those legs these days (Alex and Andria’s, too and, of course, Tico and Pearl).

Zoe. I have to admit that I am quite nervous about our girl. This was the posting the 31st in Australia and they were hoping for a 2100 check in last night. Nothing so far. There is always the possibility of being out of phone range or the transmitter not working which would be a real issue if you want to track your recent fledgling. I wonder if anyone has gone to check the last transmission point? It is now after 1500 on 1 February in Port Lincoln and still no posting of a transmission for Zoe. I hope there are boots on the ground searching for our girl.

Thank you so much for being with me today. This has been a spin around the nests with a few twists. Take care everyone. See you soon.

Thank you to the following for their notes, their posts, their videos, announcements, tweets, and streaming cams where I took my screen captures for this blog: Geemeff, ‘EJ’, Roy Dennis Wildlife Foundation, KBZK, Wildlife Haven, BBC, HCN, Amusing Planet, Audubon, Farmer Derek, Moorings Park Ospreys, Window to Wildlife, Superbeaks, WRDC, Paul White and the Wester Eagle Watchers, Rhonda A and KNF-E3, FOBBV, NEFL-AEF, Gracie Shepherd and SWFL Eagles and D Pritchett, and the Port Lincoln Ospreys and Friends of Osprey.

Superbeaks are Super…Tuesday Morning in Bird World

31 January 2022

If my father was alive today, it would be his birthday. So grateful for his love of the animals and birds that frequented our garden as a child and all the things he taught me.

It is still cold in Manitoba. We are still in the extreme cold warning but…it is only -21 C. Because of the strong winds it will be nearly -40 if you count in the chill factor and they are asking people to stay inside if it is possible. Cars do not like to start in cold weather like this. Some people have ‘plugs’ that heat the oil. The maker of my car will not install those nor the automatic starters so that you can let your car run and get warm before you go and jump in. And many of us, myself included, do not have garages having opted for larger garden spaces. So…it is cold out there. We bundle up in coats that are mid-calf and rated to -40. Boots are lined as well and there are all new materials to help keep people warm that are light weight. We manage. In fact, I function much better in the colder temperatures, like the eagles, than in the extreme heat that I loved as a younger person.

Making News:

It looks like Glen Blue 708 got tired of travelling and has decided it is beach life in Morocco for him!

The names of 2022’s year old Kakapo are coming in.

There appears to be ‘some hope’ for Annie and Grinnell’s Sequoia and Sasha.

Most of us outside of the UK don’t understand the ‘power’ behind the shooting estates that allow their gamekeepers to stomp on Goshawk chicks or shoot the Hen Harriers. Here is a good read.

Checking on Our Nests:

The new guy is definitely not a Grinnell and hardly an Alden. Not sure….

It is quite the snowy day for Jackie and Shadow at Big Bear. On occasion you can hear one or more of those cantankerous Crows/Ravens that have been coming to the nest and trying to distract the adults so that they can get to those precious eggs.

It has been hot in Florida. All of the eaglets have been panting today. Poor Connick when it got out of Connie’s shade, the wee one was huffing and puffing keeping cool. It was mid-afternoon and the little one with its clown feet and soft thermal down was panting really hard.

At 15:37 Connie gets Connick up to have some fish to hydrate itself.

As the sun sets on the barrier islands of Florida, it is a good thing to remember that the eagles actually ‘do better’ physically in the colder weather than in the extreme heat.

Teeny weeny Boots at the Webster Texas Bald Eagle nest is getting some fish. Ringo always eats first and then little Boots.

Most everyone watches and many report on Harriet and M15 so I don’t always – unless there is a big change and there was last evening. E21 and E22 slept alone in the nest together after having a tandem feeding by Mum and Dad.

In Louisiana, it was drizzling again on Monday with a 45% chance of rain, again.

Anna keeps little E03 dry. It is rather hard to imagine but E03 fit into that size of egg only 23 days ago.

Anna has found a new way to keep her baby dry.

At the E3 nest of Alex and Andria, Valentine is walking and getting steadier by the day.

Then little siblings say, ‘Hey, I can do that walking thing, too!’

Pa Berry and Missy could not be more proud. B16 is doing so well – the cutie pie Rollie Mollie is getting to that sort of ‘lanky’ stage. Still adorable. There are at least 3 rabbits on that nest if not 4 today.

We all hope that everyone of these little eaglets grows up to be big and strong like Pearl and Tico. What a pair these two are. I love the way they look at one another.

Tico takes a bow in front of Pearl as he ends his wingersizing display.

As the sun goes down in Central Florida, Muhlady is making sure that both Pearl and Tico are full to the brim before bed. I wonder if the parents begin to sense how much longer they have with their babies????

As the sun sets in St Petersburg, there are no eggs yet at the Achieva Osprey nest of Jack and Diane.

No eggs at Captiva for Mabel and Angus. They have been working on the rails today and keeping alert as there appear to be intruders in the area.

I still see only two eggs at the Moorings Park Osprey Platform in Naples, Florida this evening and around 2100. Will there be three when we wake up tomorrow morning? Believe me, I hope not.

The award for the most romantic of the birds today goes to L and GLY, the Royal Albatrosses! Goodness. Ranger Sharyn says that we might expect more frequent turn overs as it becomes difficult for the adults to find enough food for them and the chick so they are in and out, in and out. That little one is like doubling its weigh. Did anyone say ‘big boy’? Of course, I thought Lillibet was a big boy, too. So don’t trust me about genders of albatross!!!!!!!! That is a fact.

Thank you so very much for being with me this last day of January. February is short. Richmond’s Rosie should be returning from her migration around Valentine’s Day. Something to look forward to and then…5-6 weeks for UK Osprey arrivals…4 weeks til Big Red lays her first egg. Oh, lots to look forward to. Take care all. See you soon.

Thank you to the following for their tweets, posts, announcements, videos, and streaming cams that make up my screen captures and blog: Conservation without Borders, Kakapo Recover, HIT, San Jose City Hall, SK Hideaways and Cal Falcons, FOBBV, Window to Wildlife, Paul White and the Webster TX Eagle Cam Watchers, SWFlorida Eagles and D Pritchett, KNF-E1, KNF-E3, Berry College Eagle Cam, Superbeaks, Moorings Park Ospreys, NZ-DOC and Cornell, Elain and NZ DOC and Cornell.

Cute little butterball babies…Wednesday in Bird World

25 January 2022

Good Morning to Everyone!

It is almost the end of January. Just a few more days. It is cold today. -21 C. Bright beautiful sun, though.

There are countdowns ongoing and contests beginning to start on when the UK Ospreys will return. Then, of course, there is Iris. When will she arrive at her nest in Missoula? As for me, I am glad that there is still a bit of a reprieve before all the Bald Eagle nests and Ospreys come on line.

As I sit here at my desk looking at an image of Aran with his wings outstretched on the perch at Glaslyn, there is a part of me that just can’t wait! If I skip the pages to get to March on the Glaslyn calendar, I see that Mrs G returned on the 26th of March with Aaron Z2 returning to Port Cresor on the 31st. That time with the two of them alone in the valley before Blue 014 and Aran came home from their winter migration was almost as good as a soap opera…no, actually it was better. Aran arrived on the 10th of April followed by Blue 014 the next day on the 11th. Mrs G’s first egg was laid on the 19th. Good thing those two got down to business right away or Aran might have been kicking those eggs out of the nest!!!!!!!!

On the opposite side of the bulletin board is the Loch Arkaig calendar with its notation that Louis and Dorcha returned on the 11th of April in 2022. So, the clock is ticking and it is normally Blue 33 and Maya that arrive first at Rutland – around the 23rd of March. Let’s see if that happens this year.

Also just quick note – the storms going through Louisiana took out some of the boxes on the cams at the Kisatchie National Forest. Cody will get them up and operating as quickly as he can. He says “The eagles are all OK”. Good news.

In the Mailbox:

Geemeff has written with a request. Did you watch the The Flight of the Osprey series? If you did, they would like your feedback!

“️We’d love to get your feedback on the Flight Of The Osprey expedition, the communications you received, and what you’d like in the future. The survey takes under five minutes and will allow us to continue to build on and strengthen our work. #TogetherWeFly Thank you!”


‘L’ sent me a listing of the wildlife rehabbers in the US and Canada. If you do not know who your nearest wildlife centre, check the list (I cannot vouch that it is 100% complete). Put their number and address in your cell phone. If you are out and see an injured bird, you can phone them and ask what to do. And if you really want to get serious about volunteering, you can check out their workshops. Every rehabber needs help. They do not earn salaries. Everything is by donation. That includes the driving of injured wildlife to their clinics. So check, see what you can do…and keep up the mantra of gently used and clean towels and sheets – they use lots of them. Do a collection in your neighbourhood in the spring when people are cleaning out! Petfood is another item, bleach, detergent…the list is long. Thanks, ‘L’.


Making News:

There could be a reason we are not seeing Thunder and Akecheta at the West End nest. Are they building a new nest elsewhere? I wonder if the fright of the eaglet falling out of the nest and having to be retrieved by Dr Sharpe has caused this change?

CROW is taking care of a very tiny bald eaglet that fell out of its nest tree.

Did you know that there is a Superb owl (Super Bowl for Owls) contest? The winner will get $5000 for their wildlife rehabilitation centre? I did not know today until the Audubon Centre for Prey wrote and asked me to vote for Sanford.

You can see the competition and vote here:


Audubon also put out its special anniversary edition of Eaglewatch. There is some seriously interesting information inside the pages of this report.

Conservation without Borders has received many requests about the whereabouts of Blue 708 Glen (Tweed Valley Juvenile) – he seems to like Morocco!

The latest announcement from GROWLS. It does not sound like there will be any camera at all during the breeding season for 2023.

At the Nests:

It seems to be a good day at the nests without any undue problems of beaking or lack of prey. So nice! Would love a period of calm before the storm of the Osprey arrivals!

Sometimes when it all gets too much or you just need a break, head over to the Royal Albatross family. They are nothing short of sweet, adorable, and gorgeous. One chick every two years. This little one is very special.

GLY has returned home and has seen his chick for the first time. What lovely moments! L is now out foraging.

There will be a contest to give Sweet Pea its Maori name. Ranger Sharyn says it will take place after mid-February when the last egg has hatched.

Elain is giving us beautiful updates and a feeding of the Royal Cam chick. Thanks Holly Parsons for the posting!

Gabby and V3 were at the Northeast Florida Bald Eagle nest at 0730 doing some restorations. Gosh, they are a beautiful couple.

Gorgeous Gabby.

If you can see both of the right sides of their faces, you can easily tell them apart. Look at the shape of their heads and beak but, the real giveaway is the ‘V’ shaped nick below the cere of V3.

It has been raining in Webster, Texas. At the time Paul White published this video, the eaglets were having their second meal for the day. Ringo got a lot of the first bites, then Boots had some and then when Ringo was getting full, Boots starting getting all the fish. Both eaglets had nice crops and were full at the end of the feeding. It was very civilised.

Little CE9 was also fed well. CE9 will have a name on the 26th of January. Have you sent in a suggestion? If not, message Lori Covert on Instagram. And just a note, the Ospreys Mabel and Andy are named after Lori Covert’s maternal grandparents, not parents.

We all love Indigo and will be sad to see this beautiful juvenile falcon leave its parents territory. It is difficult to get so attached and have them leave and go on their way. It is, of course, why I like banding and sat paks. With banding, there is a chance to find out about the dispersal and survival rates. We can also find out about the history. Of course, with sat paks – which are much more expensive – we can track the long journeys of migrating birds as well as the ones who stay close to the nest.

It is always a treat at this time of year to have the juveniles still around, returning to the scrape so we can see them. Hello Indigo!

The Berry College Eaglet B16 is doing fantastic. It continues to be one of the cutest, chubbiest little babes. Adorable. Not sure what is up with B17 but if there is only one hatch, that is just fine!

Pa Berry was feeding his baby early this morning.

At the KNF-E3 nest, 02 has mastered the snatch and grab but, at the same time, he often gets bony pieces because he can’t or won’t wait. Several times Andria has had to save him. Here is an example that Rhonda A caught.

Book Review:

If you have been following my blog, you might remember that I have sung the praises of Joan E Strassman’s 2022 volume, Slow Birding. The Art and Science of Enjoying the Birds in Your Own Backyard. No fancy pictures just great writing and a challenge to all of us to learn about the birds that live near to us, to study them, to get to know them intimately.

One of the things that drew me to Strassman’s book was the fact that it was not a guide and it was not a book that would encourage you to run or drive or fly hither and yon to add to your Life List of Birds. Indeed, it is quite the opposite. Over the years I have received many letters from talented women who told me their lives were ruined by their fathers who stuffed them in the car before dawn on a weekend morning to go ‘birding’. The problem was…the male ran off leaving the wife to care for the children, often in the car, for hours. One told me that the best thing was ‘the donuts’. Another told me that she is just now, at the age of 65, learning to love birds.

All of us know about these life lists. E-bird often encourages it. But what we need isn’t a bird ticked off on a list but a real understanding of a bird’s behaviour, an intimate observation over time – days, weeks, years. Strassman challenges us to see the things around us and to understand them.

The book that I want to talk about today was written long ago by Florence A Merriam. Birds through an Opera Glass was published in 1896. 127 Years Ago. It has to be the first book, written by a woman, on ‘slow’ birding. It has been out of print for decades. The Leopold Classic Library prints copies on demand. Like Strassman’s, there are no colour images but, rather, black and white illustrations from Baird, Brewer and Ridgway’s History of North American Birds. Also like Strassman, Merriam is an excellent writer bringing her observations of the birds living around her to life with their strange behaviours and song.

This is a quote on how the nuthatch got its name:

“But his most interesting name is – nuthatch!  How does he come by it?  That seems riddle.  Some cold November day put on a pair of thick boots and go to visit the beeches.  There in their tops are the nuthatches, for they have deserted the tree trunks for a frolic.  They are beechnutting!  And that with as much zest as a party of school-children starting out with baskets and pails on a holiday.  Watch them now.  What clumsy work they make of it, trying to cling to the beechnut burr and get the nuts out the same time.  It’s a pity the chickadee can’t give them a few lessons!  They might better have kept to their tree trunks.  But they persist, and after tumbling off from several burrs, finally snatch out a nut and fly off with it as clammy as if they had been dancing about among the twigs all their days.  Away they go till they come to a maple or other rough-barked tree, when they stick the nut in between the ridges off the bark, hammer it down, and then, when it is so tightly wedged that the slippery shell cannot get away from them, by a few sharp blows they hatch the nut from the tree!  Through my glass I watched a number of them this fall, though some of them wedged their nuts far into cracks or holes in the body of the tree, instead of in the bark.  One of them pounded so hard he spread his tail and almost upset himself.  The fun was so great a downy woodpecker tried it, and of all the big school-boys!  The excitement seemed to turn his head and he attacked a beechnut burr as if he would close with it in mortal combat!”

Merriam writes about The Kingbird:  “The sobriety of his plain blackish coat and white vest are relieved by a coloured patch that may sometimes be espied under his crest, and also by a white tip to his tail, which when spread in flight, has the effect of a white crescent.”  

Birds Through an Opera Glass, 1896

The list of birds that Merriam covers is massive but she also gives hints to people who want to observe birds. 1) Avoid light or bright coloured clothing. 2) Walk slowly and noiselessly. 3) Avoid all quick, jerky motions. 4) Avoid Talking. 5) “If the bird was signing, but stops on your approach, stand still a moment and encourage him by answering his call. If he gets interested he will often let you creep within opera-glass distance. Some of the most charming snatches of friendly talk will come at such times.” 6) Make a practice of stopping often and standing perfectly still. “In that way you hear voices that would be lost if you were walking…” 7) Conceal yourself against a tree or pulling a branch in front of you. Merriam also advises that anyone wishing to observe birds should consider the time of the day and the weather. “They follow the sun!” “In spring and fall you will find them in the fields and orchards early in the morning, but when the sun has warmed the south side of the woods they go there; and in the afternoon they follow it across to the north side. During heavy winds and storms you are most likely to find birds well under cover of the woods, no matter at what time of day; and then, often on the side opposite that from which the wind comes.”

Merriam challenges us to begin with the simplest – the birds that you see and hear on a daily basis. For her it was the Robin. What would be your bird?

I highly recommend this book for anyone that wants to learn more about Robins, Crow Blackbirds, Ruffled Grouse, Nuthatches, Chickadees, and 65 other species. It is $19.66 CDN from Amazon. There is a link in the book for a free digital copy. It will be the best $20 you have spent. I promise. Just remember it is full of a great narrative and knowledge but not beautiful photographs!

Thank you so much for joining me today. It is always a pleasure to send you the news about our feathered friends, especially when it is all good. Take care. See you soon.

Thank you to the following for their tweets, posts, announcements, videos, and streaming cams that make up my screen captures: Geemeff, ‘L’ and Birdwatching Daily, CIEL and the IWS, Dana Campbell and the Cornell Hawk Cam Chatters plus CROW, Audubon Raptor Centre and Bonusfinder, Audubon Raptor Centre, Conservation Without Borders, Celia Aliengirl and Bald Eagles Nest Cam and News and GROWLS, NZ DOC, Elain and the NZ DOC, NEFL-AEF, Paul White and the Webster Texas Eagle Cam, Window to Wildlife, Elain and Charles Sturt Falcon Cam and Cilla Kinross, and Rhoda A and the KNF-E3 Bald Eagle Nest.

Rose and Ron bonding…Friday in Bird World

13 January 2022

Good Morning Everyone,

Here it is, Friday the 13th. I wonder how many people reading this are superstitious?

On Thursday afternoon, I put on the heavy coat and took out the camera and battery, warmest boots, scarf, toque and headed out to the nature centre. It was -12 degrees C with only a 4 kph wind and 84% humidity. Damp. It was a lovely day in the forest and a few friends were around the feeders.

Several Red Squirrels were running about enjoying the peanuts knocked down from the feeders by the birds or another squirrel ‘friend’.

‘Squirrel Friend’ in action!

A sweet little female Downy Woodpecker enjoying the suet. I love feeding suet in the winter because, unlike peanuts and Black Oil seed, have to be cleared up regularly.

The Black-capped Chickadees are simply precious. They flit about taking one seed, fly to a branch, open and eat it and fly back to get another – all day long.

What a treat it was to see a White-breasted Nuthatch.

Merlin Sound ID alerted me to a Yellow Flicker in the area but I did not see it. The deer were not around today near the hide.

Making News:

It is easy to worry about our favourite feathered families with the heavy rains and floods that have been happening in California (and at other places in the US and around the world). That makes it so much of a relief to see that Annie and her new male friend are at The Campanile and are safe.

They are putting sat pads on Ospreys in Senegal! It seems that the people in Africa are as curious about where their ospreys go to breed as we are to find out where they winter. This is just grand.

Creating new wetlands is a good thing.

If you missed The Flight of the Osprey presentations/shows/talks, Geemeff has reposted the links so that you can watch/hear:

The expectations are that Avian Flu will continue to kill domestic and wild birds. Are you noticing any shortage of eggs? Tests are going on now as duck hunting season is in full swing in places like California. The researcher in this article ” will deliver her samples to UC Davis, where lab personnel will test them first for avian flu in general and ultimately for the specific strain known as Goose/Guangdong (Gs/GD) lineage highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). Gs/GD HPAI is the deadliest and most infectious bird flu ever to strike Europe or North America, according to wildlife epidemiologists. The strain ravages domestic poultry flocks and can sicken and kill more species of wild birds across a greater geographic area than any previous outbreak, leaving an unprecedented trail of death. So far, the virus has affected more than 52 million domestic poultry birds in the U.S. and has been tested for and confirmed in 4,362 wild birds across the country.” 

The first eagle in SW Virgina confirmed to have bird flu. This year there could be some very serious hardships.

I was interviewed last week about the impact of war on wildlife. Today there is an article appearing in The Guardian about Hooded Crows around Babyn Yar near Kyiv. Keeping in mind that there has been so much destruction in Ukraine, it is a very interesting article to read.


In the mailbox:

‘L’ send me the latest Audubon news that shows their lobbying of the federal government has included many of their concerns about the environment and wildlife. Thanks, ‘L’. Have a read:


‘A’ has noticed that Clive is bringing a lot of trout to Connie and CJ7. Where is the trout coming from? That is such an interesting question. Thank you for asking it, ‘A’. I am reminded of when Dylan has brought Brown Trout into the nest at Llyn Clywedog that he shares with Serena Blue 5F. Dylan could get them from the local Reservoir but often humans are there fishing. I was so impressed with John Williams who tracked Dylan in a round about way and discovered that Dylan will escort intruders up to 25 miles away from the nest and it seems he stops along the way back home to fish! So now, where does Clive get those trout? Believe it or not, Captiva is well known for its winter fishing which includes Trout. Fresh Water Fishing Advice said this, “Spotted seatrout fishing is good in Captiva year-round. The season to fish for spotted seatrout in the region is high between January and October. The best time of the year to catch spotted seatrout in the area is between April and June.”

Checking the Nests:

The two eaglets at Superbeaks are growing and growing and then growing some more. It is difficult to get a screen capture of both of them together so I was pleased about the first image. It is early morning and Pearl and Tico are waiting for a fish delivery and breakfast. Their crops are empty!

Tico is 34 days old and Pearl is 35 days old today.

It is not long until fish arrive on the nest and these two get fed til they are full to the brim.

It is a wonder they can bend over. I am very impressed with these parents, PePe and Muhlady.

The two eaglets at the Kistachie National Forest E-2 nest of Alex and Andria are nothing short of precious. So civil to one another.

It is possible that KNF-E1-03 will be an only eaglet this year. In fact, this chick could be from the second egg. No matter. It will thrive under the watchful eye of Louis and Anna.

17:42. Probably the last meal of the day for the wee eaglet. Some people love the little pink feet but I love those little wings and the peek at the tail appearing.

Tonya Irwin gives us a short video of Louis taking care of E1-03 Thursday morning. Louis is such a proud daddy.

Shadow saw the precious egg that Jackie laid at 1600 on Wednesday early Thursday morning. Tine 07:06:22. After this, he flew out and returned with a nice fish for Jackie.

Jackie does not want to begin hard incubation until she is sure the second egg is in the nest. Otherwise the eaglets would be too different in birth times and this could cause severe rivalry. But, Jackie also knows that she cannot leave the egg alone or the Crows will get it. Little Fiona came to the nest but Fiona will not bother the egg.

One good way is for Jackie to perch near the egg – or Shadow – protecting the nest should a predator arrive.

What a sweet look – a marvel. Jackie looking at that egg she has laid. Oh, let us all hope that this is a good year for our Big Bear Valley couple. They deserve it. What fantastic parents they were to Spirit.

Notice how Jackie is sleeping over the egg to protect it from any predators but it is not yet hard incubating so if there is a second egg, the eaglets will hatch closer together. What a brilliant idea to keep the Crows at bay.

The California news is already celebrating Jackie and Shadow’s first egg! Oh, how wonderful.


Connie and Clive’s little one had a nice big crop today. There are lots of fish on that nest! Some of them are hidden. The little one looks fine despite some concerns over Connie eating more than she is feeding the chick. It does not look like the second egg will hatch. Like the KNF-E1 nest, it is possible that this chick was actually from the second egg.

Gabby and V3 were working on the nest this morning. He is rather handsome. I know he is not Samson but there are things about him that remind me of Samson – like his tight ‘jeans’.

HeidiMc caught Ron and Rose bonding in the WRDC nest in Miami yesterday. They are such a funny eagle couple! I love how Rose nibbles on Ron’s feathers. Oh, so sweet.

The beaking at the Southwest Florida nest of E21 and E22, kidlets of Harriet and M15, is not that bad. The problem is E22 who does seem to stare E21 right in the eye and then aim at him/her with its beak and then E21 shows 22 who is boss.

Look carefully. You are going to see black dots. Those are not bugs. The plumage is beginning to change. Yes, already. You will see the thermal down but you will also begin to see tiny black dots where the shafts of the feathers are emerging. You will also notice that the egg tooth is disappearing.

E22 you should never look 21 in the eye. Never!

For now, 21 is the oldest and is the boss. Just leave things alone.

A short clip from SK Hideaways showing E21 and 22 eating a meal and rather behaving. They do not always. E22 can still get rough.

It is raining in Fort Myers and Harriet is keeping the two wiggle worms underneath her!!!!!! M15 has a big rabbit on deck for dinner when it stops.

Indigo the beetle-slayer! and Diamond chaser. Indigo is so proud of his beetles. Just imagine what it will be like when he gets his first ‘real’ prey!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is lots of news and things happening in the world. It is hard to keep track of everything and report on all the birds. All of the hatched eagles at every nest appear to be doing just fine. That is wonderful news. Diane at the Achieva Osprey nest appears to be so much better on her her injured leg. She even flew off with a fish in that leg’s talon today. I do not think we will see any more chicks at Captiva or KNF-01. Keep watching as we have Berry College Eagles coming up and for all of the Royal Albatross fans, the pip on the Royal cam chick is about a fortnight away?

Thank you so very much for being with me. Please take care of yourselves. See you soon.

Thank you to the following for their questions, their tweets, their posts, videos, and streaming cams that make up my screen captures: ‘A’, ‘L’, Cal Falcons, SKHideaways and Cal Falcons, Project Tougoupeu FB, BBC Dorset, Geemeff, Bay Nature, L Doyle and Bald Eagles Live Nests and Cams, Audubon News, Superbeaks, KNF E3, KNF E1, Tonya Irwin and KNF-E1, FOBBV, NEFL-AEF, HeidiMc and SWFlorida Bald Eagles and D Pritchett, SWFlorida Bald Eagles and D Pritchett, SK Hideaway and SWFL Eagles and D Pritchett, and Elain and Charles Sturt Falcon Cam and Cilla Kinross.