Eagle steals osplet off Cowlitz PUD Osprey Nest!

15 June 2022

I was always cautious about watching the Cowlitz PUD Osprey nest after the death of the chicks last year due to the extreme heat, siblicide, and starvation. Tonight as I was listening to Ferris Akel’s tour of the Cornell Campus to see Big Red, Arthur, and the Ls, I received word from ‘C’ that an Eagle had taken a chick at Cowlitz. That was only a few minutes ago so it was approximately 1630-1700 nest time.

We must always keep in mind that intruders can, ultimately, be deadly. We have seen this too much in the last weeks. The parents have to protect their territory and if they leave the nest, anything can happen. Additionally, they are not able to hunt or fish. Chicks starve. Siblicide occurs. It is an extremely viscous circle.

This year there were three healthy fat little osplets on this nest. The mother was busy feeding them a fresh fish when the intruder flew over head. She flew off the nest.

This is just so sad. Here is the event as it unfolded.

Thank you ‘C’ for writing to me immediately.

Thank you to the Cowlitz PUD Osprey cam where I took my screen captures and video clip.