Update on Little Bit ND17, Victor and other brief news in Bird World

9 July 2022

Humane Wildlife Indiana provided an update on Little Bit 17 this morning. Two things they note: Little Bit has stress lines in his feathers. I have mentioned this before. It is common in birds that have gone without food for the amount of time Little Bit did and also perhaps, the lack of nice fish and having to eat fur. Of course, then there is the stress from the siblings. Little Bit has each of you knows did not have an easy life on that nest. That is why we are all cheering him on and surprised that he lived. It is unfortunate that the clinic has to put up with people interrupting the important work they are doing to try and see him. I note that US Steel did not give the name of the rehab clinic that picked up USS5. Perhaps that is a protocol that all should adopt.

Yesterday I posted an image of WBSE 27 who spent more than 6 months in care – for a second time. Most rehabbers will say it takes a long time to train an eagle to fly and to hunt prey. It is very important that the last part of the training is undertaken. If the bird cannot hunt, he cannot feed himself. Other eaglets have also been released in prey rich areas away from the natal nest when their siblings are free flying with the parents.

Oh, Little Bit. Do you know how much you are loved? Wishing you lots of quail and fish, a long and productive stay in rehab, and…if you can’t fly, a wonderful place where you can be an ambassador bird.

Little Bit 17 has extensive stress lines. You can see them easily. Was it from lack of food? lack of nutrition in the food? psychological stress? or all of the above and more?

I found a a short article and video on stress bars that go into a little more detail. For those of you that own parrots, you might have looked for these when you were either purchasing or adopting your bird.

A short video showing you stress bars and what causes them.

Little bit 17 has also made the news.


The nest at ND-LEEF is disintegrating despite the fact that the adults continue to use it to deliver fish. This is a clear demonstration of how important the natal nest is for the fledglings. Most parents prefer to feed the fledglings on the nest. It is absolutely clear that Little Bit 17 could never have made it to the nest.

It is a very cute first hatch and Audrey is an old hand at taking care of osplets. So sweet. Here is Tom and Audrey’s first hatch of their second clutch enjoying a nice fish lunch around 1230. Holding that head up nice and strong.

It is not clear what is ‘wrong’ with Victor on the Fraser Point Bald Eagle nest. He has definitely injured himself. He is not just tired.

There is chatter about a missing talon on the left foot. It is very hard to see in this image because of the angle but that looks like a possibility. However, I am reminded that Ervie had a missing talon and he was still flying, standing, and catching puffers.

There is a small fish under Victor. He cannot stand to self-feed. He is really, really struggling and it would appear that he is not able to stand – at the moment – for any period of time. Mama Cruz we need you to feed Victor his lunch!

Continue to send positive wishes to Victor.

Oh, oh. Mama Cruz is in but she is feeding Lillibet. It is a tiny fish. Will there be any left for Victor?

Last year at Osoyoos it was hot and the chicks died. This year there has been so much rain in the area and flooding that it might have impacted the fish. Hoping for some nice big meals on the nest for the two chicks and Mum today.

Dory and Skiff’s trio are doing great at the Boathouse on Hog Island. The kids are growing like weeds and I am completely impressed with this first time Mum. Just like I am with CJ7 at Poole Harbour. Fantastic to see Little Bob getting bigger.

Here is CJ7 and Blue 022 with their two very healthy and very big offspring. Wow. I am so happy for CJ7 and Blue 022 – it was one of those romances that everyone wanted to blossom – and for all the people involved in the translocation programme. A big shout out to Roy Dennis.

This is a very brief look at some of the nests we are watching. Continue to send warm wishes to Osoyoos and Fraser Point. Thank you for joining me this morning. Take care. See you soon.

Thank you to the following for their streaming cams and/or FB pages: Humane Indiana Wildlife, Chesapeake Conservancy, Explore.org and The Institute for Wildlife Studies, Osoyoos Ospreys, Explore.org and Audubon, and Poole Harbour Ospreys.

Alan Poole on Ospreys, update on Little Bit 17, and sadness at Fraser Point

8 July 2022

You need to know about the presentation and we have all been waiting for an update on Little Bit 17. Of course, we do not need any more bad news in Bird World.

First. I have just been notified that Alan Poole’s excellent discussion about North American Ospreys will be taken off YouTube in 8 days. This is extremely informative – if you want to learn about Ospreys, please have a listen. Lots to learn! The original programme aired last year. You can start and stop…

Humane Indiana Wildlife posted this announcement today. You will see mention of Little Bit 17 at the bottom. — I am going to assume that Little Bit’s fan club have tried to see him. Please don’t. Every wildlife clinic is underfunded and overwhelmed especially in the middle of summer. We do not want the staff to get to the point that they cannot get Little Bit out the door quick enough. He needs to stay there as long as he can learning how to fly and being taught to hunt. If you know people who say they are going,, please have a gentle talk with them. It is in Little Bit’s best interest.

At the Fraser’s Point Eagle nest, Victor and Lillibet fledged on 30 June. Here is a short video – notice that Victor tried to land on a bush but it would not support him so he fell to the ground. Lillibet had a good flight.

Victor returned to the nest this morning around 1030. He cannot stand. Mama Cruz doesn’t understand what is wrong with him. She has tried to feed him. This is tragic.

The Fraser Point nest is part of Dr Sharpe’s research area – the Channel Islands eaglets. You can be sure that he is aware of the problem and will determine whether or not it is safe to intervene and extract Victor so that it can be determined what happened and what is the best help for this recent fledgling.

This is the link to the Fraser Point streaming cam:

Send all the positive wishes that you can to this wonderful Fraser Point nest! Rest assured that if anything can be done, Dr Sharpe will do it. It is one of his great missions – to give these eagles a chance at life.

Thank you for joining me for this very quick post. Take care. See you soon.

Thank you to Humane Wildlife Indiana for their FB post, and to Explore.org and The Institute for Wildlife Studies for their streaming cam where I took my screen captures.