Hatch and a Pip at Captiva

Andy and Lena laid their eggs in the Captiva Osprey nest on Santibel Island one month earlier than previous years. It is hoped that this will help in the survival of the chicks. The nest has been plagued in the past with predation by Crows.

The Osprey couple at Captiva are Lena on the left and Andy on the right.

Egg one was laid on 8 January with the second egg following on the 11th and the third and final egg on the 14th.

The first hatch came at 21:24:12 on 16 February 2022.

You can just see the little one behind the two eggs. Oh, so tiny.

There you go! What a darling. It appears that another chick is in the process of hatching. It would be wonderful if the three were close together.

It is very exciting when a little Osplet is born.

Lori posted a picture of the landscape with the Osprey nest on Santibel Island.

Let us send the warmest of wishes and congratulations to Andy and Lena. We hope that the Covids will stay away from the nest and that your family will thrive. Congratulations to Captiva!

Thank you to Lori for her Instagram feed and Window to Wildlife for their streaming cam where I took my screen captures.